The Naturalization Process
Roots of Citizenship
What does naturalization mean?
The legal process to obtain citizenship
What is the definition of the word duty?
An action we are required to perform (Something we must do)
What is the definition of the word responsibility
An obligation that we meet of our own free will (Something we should do)
Where did the concept of citizenship begin?
More than 2,500 years ago in ancient Greece and Rome
What is the difference between a civic duty and a civic responsibility?
Civic duties are required by law, while civic responsibilities are done voluntarily
What are the three steps in the naturalization process
Step 1: complete an application form with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Step 2: Pass a US History and Government test Step 3: Take an oath of allegiance (loyalty) to the United States
What are the 5 major duties U.S. citizens have?
1. Obey the law 2. Pay taxes 3. Defend the nation 4. Serve in court 5. Attend school
What are the 4 major responsibilities U.S. citizens have?
1. Be informed and vote 2. Participate in your community and government 3. Respect the rights and property of others 4. Respect different opinions and ways of life
Has it always been the case that everyone born in the United States was considered a citizen?
No, before 1868 only white men were considered citizens
What are the 3 ways to lose citizenship and explain?
1. Expatriation- someone allegiance to a foreign country 2. Denaturalization- someone has lied on their citizenship application 3. Being convicted of certain crimes- crimes such as treason
What are the 5 requirements to be a naturalized citizen
1. Must be 18 years or older 2. Must have been a lawful permanent resident for 5 years 3. Must be able to read, write, and speak English 4. Must be of good moral character 5. Must show an understanding of U.S. Civics
What is the age group in most states that students have to attend school?
Between the ages of 7 and 16
When people do things for their community it is called civic responsibility.. Which actions is an example of a civic responsibility? A) serving lunches to the homeless B) paying taxes C) appearing for jury duty D) obeying traffic laws
Serving lunches to the homeless
In what year was the Indian Citizenship Act passed by Congress granting Native Americans citizenship?
What is the year 1924
What are the two ways to be a natural born citizen?
1. Law of blood- at least one parent is a U.S. citizen 2. Law of soil- you must be born on U.S. soil, territory, or military base
What happens to children under the age of 18 if their parents go through the naturalization process, and become citizens?
The children automatically become U.S. citizens
What must all able-body males between the ages of 18 and 25 register for?
The Selective Service System (SSS)
Volunteerism involves giving _____________ to others without expecting payment in return?
What is time and services
In which year were women considered citizens?
What is 1920, when they received the right to vote
Juan's parents were both U.S. citizens at the time of his birth. Juan was born in Colombia and lived in Colombia until he immigrated to the U.S. at age 23. At the age of 26, Juan visited Brazil on vacation. Why did Juan use a U.S. passport to travel?
Juan was a U.S. citizen by the law of blood
To whom or what do naturalized citizens pledge their allegiance?
The United States Constitution
Why is important for citizens to serve on a jury when they are summonsed?
To fulfill the Constitutional right of Trial by Jury (6th Amendment)
In the center of Oakdale was a huge oak tree that had lived for hundreds of years. Many people believed that the town was name after the oak tree, which had become a source of pride. When Elise read in the newspaper that the land that was home to the oak tree was going to be developed, she was worried. She collected signatures on a petition to save the oak tree. During the next town council meeting, she presented the petition. Which term describes Elise's activism?
What is civic responsibility
Who is granted citizenship by the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
People that are born or naturalized in the United States
What are the thee groups of foreign born residents and explain them?
1. Legal aliens- allowed to be here legally, 2 types resident alien, and nonresident alien 2. Refugee- a person fleeing their home country to escape danger 3. Illegal aliens- someone here illegally and if caught can be arrested and deported back to their home country