Which Founding Father and Singer of the Declaration of Independence was known for his bold, distinctive signature ?
B. John Hancock.
What did the Emancipation Proclamation do ?
D. Freed slaves in only the southern U.S.
Which of the following did the civil rights movement in the United States accomplish ?
D. All of the above.
This Founding Father signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and helped to set up the U.S. postal system.
C. Benjamin Franklin.
Which American woman is remembered for helping slaves escape on the Underground Railroad ?
A. Harriet Tubman.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination in which places ?
D. All of the above.
Which famous American woman's efforts paved the way for the amendment that later gave women the right to vote ?
B. Susan B. Anthony.
How was the Thirteenth Amendment important to American civil rights?
D. It freed all slaves and abolished slavery in the U.S.
Who delivered the " I Have a Dream " speech ?
B. MLK Jr.
Which Founding Father's political career ended when he was shot in a duel ?
A. Alexander Hamilton.
What is suffrage ?
B. The right to vote.
The Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution was first introduced in Congress in 1923 but never ratified. It would give equal rights to which group?
A. Women.