Cause and Effect

The place from where something comes from.

What is a source?


Britain needed money to pay for the French & Indian War so they did this to the Colonies.

What is taxed?


The first colonial assembly of elected representatives, founded in 1619, served as a model for other colonial legislatures.

What is the Virginia House of Burgesses?


Introduced a set of Amendments to the United States Constitution during the first session of Congress.**

Who is James Madison?


This amendment protects a citizen's right to have a speedy and public trial by jury in a criminal case.

What is the 6th Amendment?


Defined the process for which new states would be admitted into the United States.

What is the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?


A right that cannot be taken away from anyone.

What is an unalienable right?


America was established by Great Britain for this reason.

What is the benefit and wealth of the "Mother Country" ?


King George III practiced "salutary neglect" which forced the colonies to make decisions and control themselves.

What is the tradition of self-government?


This United States President is most directly related to the formation of the Democratic Party.

Who is Andrew Jackson?


The 10th Amendment reflects the principles of this, what powers are not expressly and specifically given to the national government are reserved for the state government.

What is Federalism?


The two most important and lasting effects of the War of 1812.

What are Industrialization and a renewed sense of nationalism?


Something we assume based on what appears to be true.

What is an Inference?


Of the four ideas to pay the national debt accumulated during the American Revolution, Alexander Hamilton proposed this one but it was never agreed upon by the Southern States.

What is the high tariff on Imports?


The disagreement about the powers given to this entity resulted in the formation of our nation's first political parties.

What is the National Government?


This President was in office during the war of 1812 and is considered the father of the constitution.**

Who is James Madison?


The process for amending the United States Constitution was put in place for this reason.

What is changing circumstances?


In a demonstration of protest against this policy, the Sons of Liberty dumped 342 chests of goods into the harbor.

What is the British taxation policy or what is the Tea Act?


An Economic relationship where the colonies supply raw materials to their mother country in return for finished goods and products.

What is Mercantilism?


The three regions of the original Colonies.

What are New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies?


Anti-Federalist opposed ratification of the new constitution because it gave too much power to this group.

What is the National/ Central government?


Alexander Hamilton is best known for this, one of the points of his four point plan.

What is creating a national bank?


This right is guaranteed under the 1st Amendment and can be seen demonstrated in a peaceful protest.

What is Freedom of Assembly?


The American victory of this battle took place in October of 1777 and was considered a turning point that caused France to join the war on the side of America.

What is the Battle of Saratoga?


The act of agreeing or giving permission to govern a person.

What is giving Consent?


This region of the original 13 colonies had an economy based on agriculture and farming due to its climate.

What are the Southern Colonies?


Due to the disagreement between the Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton and the Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson the United States now has two of these.

What are political parties?


President George Washington wrote "have with them as little political connection as possible.", which reflects this type of foreign policy.

What is Neutralty?


This Amendment is located within the Bill of Rights and protects from unreasonable search and seizure and also requires Law Enforcement to have probable cause to receive a search warrant.

What is the 4th Amendment?


The case of Marbury v. Madison established the Supreme Court's power to declare a law unconstitutional.

What is Judicial Review?


Because the new Constitution did not include this the Anti-Federalist party opposed ratification.

What is the Bill of Rights?


Because the British blockaded American ports during the War of 1812 America did this.

What is America began to manufacture goods domestically rather than import them?


An example of this is the Executive Branch vetoing a bill proposed by the Legislative Branch, the Legislative Branch overriding the president's veto with a two-thirds vote, and the Judicial Branch declaring a law unconstitutional.

What is Checks and Balances?


The 5th President of the United States had a foreign policy that stated that the Western Hemisphere was off-limits for future colonization and that any European activity in North or South America would be viewed as an act of aggression against the United States.

What is the Monroe Doctrine?


This is a change to the constitution meant to make the legislation better serve the people of the United States

What is an Amendment?


This act allowed for no more town meetings, closed the Boston Harbor, and doubled the quartering act, and was a direct result of the Boston Tea Party.

What is the Intolerable Act?