US-Mexican War
More US-Mexican War

The river that Texas and the US claimed was the border between Texas and Mexico after Texas "won" independence from Mexico.

What is the Rio Grande?


The river that Mexico claimed was the border between the Texas and Mexico after Texas "won" independence from Mexico. 

What is the Nueces River?


The term created by newspaperman John O'Sullivan to describe America's quest to expand west. 

What is Manifest Destiny?


The discovery in California that led to people moving to California in droves. 

What is the discovery of gold in 1848?


The member of the US House of Representatives that wanted the president of the US to show the exact "spot" where the Mexican army shot at American soldiers.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


The name given to the large land purchase made from Mexico after the Mexican War. 

What is the Mexican Cession?


The 11th president of the US that supported American expansion to the west.

Who is James Knox Polk?


The state that called itself the "Bear Flag Republic" when American troops arrived.

What is California?


The president of the US that sent 4000 American soldiers to the border of Texas and Mexico to defend the US border. 

Who is James Knox Polk?


The amount of money the US offered Mexico for Texas, California, and New Mexico before the Mexican War started.

What is $30 million dollars?


The number one reason why the American government wanted to expand west. 

What is self preservation?


The last state to join the United States as a slave state. 

What is Texas?


The general (and future US president) that was sent with 4000 troops to Texas to defend the US border. 

Who is Zachary Taylor?


The treaty that ended the US-Mexican War.

What is the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?


The two major issues with America expanding west.

What is 1. People were already living there (Native Americans) 2. Most of the territory belonged to Mexico.?


The purchase of land from Mexico in 1853 that finalized the border between Mexico and the US. 

What is the Gadsden Purchase?


The two generals that came out of the US-Mexican War as heroes.

Who are Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott?


The reason why Mexico attacked American soldiers which ended up starting the US-Mexican War.

What is Mexico saw the troops at the border as an invasion of Mexico?


The two major issues with Texas becoming a state. 

What is 1. The US did not want to go to war with Mexico because Mexico did not recognize Texas independence. 2. Texas would have to join the US as a slave state and there needed to be another territory to join the US as a free state to keep Congress balanced.?


The three trails that Americans used to expand west.

What are the 1. Oregon Trail. 2. California Trail. 3. Mormon Trail.?