Imperialism Policy
Spanish American War
Theodore Roosevelt
The Open Door policy was an agreement that the United States and other European powers would have equal access to the trade in China. This plan ensure the United States would have an  _____________ of influence in China 
What is Sphere 
What the name of the U.S ship that was blown up in Havana Harbor in 1898? 
What is the U.S.S Maine 
Under _____________, stronger nations attempt to create an empires by dominating weaker nations- economically, politically or military. 
What is Imperialism 
In 1893, with the help of the United States Marines, pineapple planter Sanford B. Dole removed Queen Lilliuokalani from power and annexed this territory 
What is Hawaii
 What is the name of this canal? 
Panama Canal 
Theodore Roosevelt became President...
when William McKinley was assassinated 
Which US president said he wanted to "speak softly and carry a big stick" as part of his foreign policy 
Who is Theodore Roosevelt 
Give one reason why the United States invaded Cuba? 
Resources sugar and tobacco 

Spain was treating their people horribly by putting their people who were considered rebels into reconcentration camps 


the addition of a new territory to an existing country is known as 

What is annexation 

After the Spanish American War the United States annexed the territory the Philippines from the Spanish. However, the second phase of the war against the natives of the Philippine started. What was the name of this war? 
Filipino-American War
The Spanish American War was also called ? 
What is the Splend little war 
Theodore Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for negotiating peace between...
Russia and Japan 
Theodore Roosevelt foreign policy add onto the Monroe Doctrine, which emphasized the idea that the United Sates would intervene in conflicts between Latin American countries and European countries. What did TR, call this policy?
What is the Roosevelt Corollary 
What kind of journalism convinced Americans that the United States needed to go to war?
What is Yellow Journalism 
The two main goals for U.S expansion 
What were naval bases and markets for product 
The United States bought what territory from Russia? 
What is Alaska 
The Panama Canal is located in what country?
What is Columbia 
When Theodore Roosevelt bailed out the island of San Domingo this was an example of him using what policy?
Big Stick Policy 
William Howard Taft gave both Latin American and Asia countries loans to gain a sphere of influence in those regions. Taft thought this was a better plan of gaining influence these countries rather than using bullets he called his plan the _____________. 
Dollar diplomacy 

Theodore Roosevelt created this volunteer militia to fight in the Spanish-American War

Rough Riders

The United States Imperialist actions started in the early 1840s when immigrants started moving out west. However, they were motivated by a religious idea know as 
What is manifest destiny 
Cuba was allowed to become a independent nation after the Spanish-American war. However, the United States annexed another island out in the caribbean, which is know as 
What is Puerto Rico 
Boxer Rebellion occured because Chinese nationalist wanted to get rid of what? 
what is foreign influences 
How was Theodore Roosevelt different than previous president before him. Why was he considered a Progressive?
He wanted to use the power of the government to achieve social and economic justices. Where previous presidents did not interfere in the economy
Woodrow Wilson though it was the United States duty to spread _______________ around the world to promote peace. Wilson's called this plan the _________________ Diplomacy. 



This is an image of which US president, which became famous due heroic actions during the Spanish American War

Theodore Roosevelt 

Who was a prominent write who was against the annexation of the Philippines 
Who was Mark Twain 
The United States annexed the Philippines after the Spanish-American war, however what other Pacific island did the United States also annex because of the Spanish-American war? 
What is Guam 
Who wrote the book "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History", which asserted that the economic future of nation depended on gaining new markets aboard and that powerful navy would be essential to protect these markets from foreign rivals
Who is Alfred Mahan 
Double Jeopardy 

Name the 3 parts of Theodore Roosevelt's "Square Deal" 

Control of Corporations 

Consumer Protection 

Conservation of natural resources