The type of doctor that invented cotton candy
What is a dentist?
President who most considered did nothing to stop the Great Depression from happening
Who was Hoover?
American battleship sent to Cuba that mysteriously exploded in Havana Harbor.
USS Maine
What were the causes of WW I
What was Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism & Nationalism
The United States Policy during WWI
What was isolation & neutrality?
Movie that came out in 2023 about Michael Jordan & Nike
What is "Air"?
Causes of the Great Depression most impacted Midwestern farmers
What was the Dust Bowl?
Policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force
What is Imperialism?
The 3 major nations who were apart of the "Allies" during WW I
Great Britain, France & United States
"Negro life is not only establishing new contacts and founding new centers, it is finding a new
soul. There is a fresh spiritual and cultural focusing. We have, as the heralding sign, an
unusual outburst of creative expression. There is a renewed race-spirit that consciously and
proudly sets itself apart."
What was the Harlem Renaissance?
The number of presidents who've watched the Superbowl in person?
What is one, Donald Trump?
Stocks are bought on credit or this other market phrase.
What is buying on margin?
Primary reasons the United States annexed the Philippines
What was to gain access to Philippines' natural resources?
False or exaggerated material created to sway public opinion and ensure public support
"At first the railroad and other companies furnished the transportation, sending agents all
through the South, who painted in glowing terms...the high wages and advantages of the North.
But apparently that was not long necessary. The news spread like wildfire... [they] flocked to
the northern cities, even though they had no objective work in sight. And they are still coming...”
What is the Great Migration?
Who was the entertainment at Superbowl LIX?
Kendrick Lamar
An unintended consequence of the New Deal programs
What is an increase in the national debt?
Territories (3) gained by the United States after the Spanish American War
Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico
The assassination of this person on June 28, 1914 was one of the key events that led to World War I.
Who was the Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
A long-term impact of women’s participation in the war effort during World War I
What is the 19th Amendment?
Cooper Dejean's position on the Philadelphia Eagles
What is Cornerback
This event took the United States and the rest of the world out of the Great Depression
What was WWII?
A set of ideas that applies the theory of evolution to human society, economics, and politics.
What is Social Darwinism?
The United States declared war on Germany soon after its discovery
What was the Zimmerman note?
This organization was established after World War I to carry out Wilson’s plan to prevent future global conflicts
What is the League of Nations