Reading Strategies
Author's Purpose &
Main Idea
Context Clues
Sentence Structure

Which of the following actions DOES NOT describe reading with fluency?

A. Reading as fast as you can.

B. Reading words correctly.

C. Reading words with expression.

D. Reading words with expression AND correctly.

A. Reading as fast you can. 


You just finished reading a magazine article that included some alarming statistics about pollution and how people are damaging the planet with everyday decisions that they make. The article also includes some suggestions for how you can help improve the Earth's situation for future generations. The author's primary purpose for writing this article is most likely: 

A. to inform readers about pollution.

 B. to inform readers about the Earth. 

C. to persuade readers to change certain habits that will help the Earth.

 D. to persuade readers not to pollute the Earth by littering.


to persuade readers to change certain habits that will help the Earth.


What is the meaning of the underlined word?

If you want to go on the guided tour, you need to be punctual. The tour guides begin the tour at 9:00, and not a minute later!

 A. prepared 

B. late 

C. on time 

D. polite

C. on time


Which sentence is written correctly?

A. A family of mice live in our garage. 

B. Mice terrify my mom. 

C. When she sees a mouse, she scream so loud it hurts my ears.

B. Mice terrify my mom.


Name the 3 types of text connections:

Text to _____

Text to _____

Text to _____

Text to Self

Text to Text

Text to World


The first potato chips were invented in 1853 in a New York hotel kitchen by Chef George Crum. When he invented them, he hoped that they would taste bad. You see, he was irritated with a cranky guest who had complained that Crum’s potatoes were too soggy, thick, and bland. The guest had requested that Crum make him a new batch. Chef Crum wanted to “teach the guest a lesson” about insulting the chef, so he made a batch that was paper-thin, overcooked, and oversalted. To his surprise, the diner loved the second batch! Word spread quickly, and potato chips became a very popular snack.

What is the main idea of this passage?

 A. You should never insult a chef. 

B. Potato chips are oversalted and paper thin. 

C. Potato chips were invented in a New York City hotel kitchen. 

D. Chef George Crum invented the potato chips when he was trying to insult a picky diner.

D. Chef George Crum invented the potato chips when he was trying to insult a picky diner.


What is the meaning of the underlined word?

Last year I ran the entire 6-mile race. This year, however, I was happy to be a spectator and cheer on the runners from the sidelines. 

A. a person who participates 

B. a person who helps 

C. a person who runs 

D. a person who watches

D. a person who watches


Is this a simple or compound sentence?

Our new neighbors have a dog that barks a lot. 



Brandon was eager for school to end. As soon as he heard the bell ring, he was planning to run to the gym to see if his name was on the list. Coach Walker had promised to post the list of boys who had made the team on the gym door right after school that day. Tryouts had taken place the previous two nights after school. Brandon was feeling fairly confident. He had scored four goals during tryouts, and the coach had commented on how well he headed the ball. Still, the other boys had done well, too. 

What did Brandon try out for?

Brandon tried out for the soccer team.


You and your mom have decided to train for your first 5K road race. You google “How to train for your first 5K” and arrive at a website that shows correct running form, breathing guidelines, nutritional tips, and a complete 9-week training schedule. The author’s primary purpose for making this website is most likely: 

A. to explain to readers how to train properly for their first 5K.

 B. to inform readers about 5K races.

 C. to persuade readers to eat right while training for a 5K. 

D. to persuade readers to try training for a 5K


to explain to readers how to train properly for their first 5K.


What is the meaning of the underlined word?

The lake was full of anglers on the day of the fishing tournament, all hoping to win the grand prize. 

A. people who are fishing 

B. a type of fish

C. people who like to eat fish 

D. boats

A. people who are fishing


Which sentence is written correctly?

A. Each of the outfielders throw the ball far. 

B. Baseball is more fun to play than golf. 

C. There is twelve boys on the baseball team.

B. Baseball is more fun to play than golf.


Carlos looked out the window, amazed at what he saw! Millions of tiny white balls were falling through the sky and collecting on the ground outside his school window. He had only ever seen anything like this in photographs, never in real life. He had just moved to Minnesota in July, and he had been looking forward to this moment. It never got cold enough at his former home in Mexico for this to happen. 

What is happening outside?

It is snowing outside!


The first potato chips were invented in 1853 in a New York hotel kitchen by Chef George Crum. When he invented them, he hoped that they would taste bad. You see, he was irritated with a cranky guest who had complained that Crum’s potatoes were too soggy, thick, and bland. The guest had requested that Crum make him a new batch. Chef Crum wanted to “teach the guest a lesson” about insulting the chef, so he made a batch that was paper-thin, overcooked, and oversalted. To his surprise, the diner loved the second batch! Word spread quickly, and potato chips became a very popular snack.

Which of the following detail sentences best supports the central idea and could be added to the paragraph? 

A. You should limit the number of potato chips you eat. 

B. George Crum’s new snack became known as “Saratoga Chips”. 

C. Potato chips are known for being crunchy.

 D. George Crum died in 1914.

B. George Crum’s new snack became known as “Saratoga Chips”.


What is the meaning of the underlined word?

The parade will commence as soon as it stops raining. 

A. to end 

B. to command 

C. to cause a delay 

D. to start or begin  

D. to start or begin


Is this a simple or compound sentence?

Sam’s favorite food is pizza, yet he chose to order spaghetti.



Abby was in extreme pain. She had spent the entire day on the beach, swimming in the ocean and playing sand volleyball with her friends. Now, it felt like her entire body was on fire. “Oh my goodness,” her sister had said when she arrived home late that afternoon. “You are as red as a lobster!” 

What happened to Abby?

Abby is sunburned.


While waiting in the lunch line, you see a poster that shows a dinner plate with chicken, rice, and vegetables on it, and a glass of milk just above the plate. The poster’s headline reads “A Balanced Meal”, and there is a line coming from each food item that states the food group it belongs to and a healthy serving size for one meal. The author's primary purpose for making this poster is most likely: 

A. to entertain readers while they are waiting in the lunch line. 

B. to describe a balanced meal. 

C. to inform readers of foods that should be eaten every day. 

D. to inform readers what makes up a balanced meal.


to inform readers what makes up a balanced meal


What is the meaning of the underlined word?

The entire town was exuberant when their high school football team won the state championship game. 

A. to feel extremely joyful 

B. to feel somewhat pleased 

C. to feel disappointed 

D. to feel extremely tired

A. to feel extremely joyful


Which sentence is written correctly?

A. The referee blows his whistle and point at me. 

B. Now I have three fouls. 

C. There is two quarters left in the basketball game.

B. Now I have three fouls.