Present Perfect V. Past Simple
Adjectives -ed v. -ing

Use the present perfect or the past simple tense and verb in parenthesis.  

 __________ you ever __________ (be) to Argentina? . 

Have you ever been to Argentina? 


Make a comparative sentence with the information below.  

Structure: than

Compare: My brother / me

Adjective: old

My brother is older than me. 


Make a superlative sentence with the information below.  

Subject: My brother

Adjective: tall

End of sentence: person in our family.  

My brother is the tallest person in your family. 


What is the word you use to describe a busy location with a lot of people in it? 



Complete the sentence with the correct adjective.  

Generally, I think the olympics are _interested/interesting_, but I don't like watching some sports.  

Generally, I think the olympics are _interesting_, but I don't like watching some sports.  


Use the present perfect or the past simple tense and verb in parenthesis.  

Yes, I ___________ (go) to Argentina in 2015.  

Yes, I went to Argentina in 2015. 


Make a comparative sentence with the information below.

Structure: than

Compare: People in SC / People in Denver

Adjective: friendly

People in SC are friendlier than people in Denver. 


Make a superlative sentence with the information below.  

Subject: Cartagena

Adjective: popular 

End of sentence: tourist destination in Colombia.    

Cartagena is the most popular tourist destination in Colombia. 


What is the phrase we use for putting trash near the street? 

Take out the garbage/trash.  


Complete the sentence with the correct adjective.  

Do you think rain is _depressing/depressed ?

Do you think rain is depressing? 


Use the present perfect or the past simple tense and verb in parenthesis.  

I love cars.  I ___________ (want) always ___________ a Cadillac. 

I love cars. I have always wanted a Cadillac.  


Make a comparative sentence with the information below.

Structure: than

Compare: Sarah / her bother

Adjective: fast

Verb: not drive

Sarah doesn't drive faster than her brother.  


Make a superlative sentence with the information below.  

Subject: Pizza Vulcanica

Adjective: good

End of sentence: pizza restaurant in SC

Pizza Vulcanica is the best pizza restaurant in SC. 


What is the phrase we use for dressing in clothes before we buy them to make sure they fit? 

try something on


Complete the sentence with the correct adjective.  

My father is always depressing/depressed when the Bears lose a game. 

My father is always depressed when the Bears lose a game. 


Use the present perfect or the past simple tense and verb in parenthesis.  

I ____________ (drive) a Cadillac for three years, between 2011 and 2013.

I drove a Cadillac for three years, between 2011 and 2013. 


Make a comparative sentence with the information below.


Compare: Chicago / San Diego

Adjective: not sunny

Chicago isn't as sunny as San Diego.


Make a superlative sentence with the information below. 

Subject: Bogotá

Adjective: interesting

End of sentence: city I + visit (present perfect with ever)

Bogotá is the most interesting city I have ever visited.  


What do we call a store that has many different sections such as menswear, furniture, shoes, etc.? 

department store

Complete the sentence with the correct adjective.  

Are you exciting/excited about the weekend? 

Are you excited about the weekend?


Use the present perfect or the past simple tense and verb in parenthesis. 

Andy: __________ you __________ (go) grocery shopping yet? 

Beth: Yes, I ___________ (go) grocery shopping this morning.

Andy: Have you gone grocery shopping yet? 

Beth: Yes, I went grocery shopping this morning.


Make a comparative sentence with the information below.


Compare: pollution in the UK/pollution in Russia

Adjective: not bad

Pollution in the UK isn't as bad as pollution in Russia.  


Make a superlative sentence with the information below. 

Subject: Spain

Adjective: far

End of sentence: place I + fly (present perfect with ever)

Spain is the farthest place I have ever flown.  

What phrase do we use for a government building in a city or town?

town hall


Complete the sentence with the correct adjective.  

What is the most relaxing/relaxed  thing you will do this weekend?

What is the most relaxing thing you will do this weekend?