Cold War
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What role did women play in WWII?

Serve in non-combat roles in the military, work in factories in the US producing war materials.


The Soviet Union kicked off the "Space Race" by launching the first satellite named what?

Sputnik I


What is the largest tributary of the Mississippi River?

The Ohio River


What was the name of the post-Reconstruction set of laws that enforced segregation across the American south?

Jim Crow laws


What caused the creation of the "Rust Belt"?

Movement of companies and business out of the north and into the south for better economic opportunities.


What is one thing a citizen on the home-front could do to support the war effort?

Purchase a war bond, participate in scrap drives, plant a victory garden, serve in the Civil Defense, etc


Define "Containment"

Fighting to stop the spread of Communism where is was (i.e. contain it).


What do the stripes on the American flag represent?

The 13 original colonies


About which historical event did Martin Luther King Jr. reflect and say "by sitting down they were standing up."?

Greensboro sit-ins


Which "Protest Movement" created N.O.W.? AND what did they want?

Women's rights movement (National Organization for Women). Wanted the passage of an "equal rights amendment".


What was the "Double-V Campaign"?

"Victory Abroad and Victory at Home". It a World War II effort by African Americans to fight racism at home and abroad.


Which historical event was a direct cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis

The Bay of Pigs Invasion


Which US President (#26) is known for having the most pets in the White House? (Pets included a small bear named Jonathan Edwards; a lizard named Bill; guinea pigs named Admiral Dewey, etc.)

Teddy Roosevelt


Which supreme court case made segregation legal (in 1896)? AND which Supreme Court case made segregation illegal (in 1954)?

Plessy V. Ferguson

Brown V. Board of Education


What were the "Three R's" of President's Roosevelt's "New Deal"?

Relief, Recovery, Reform


If you were a Japanese-American during WWII, you might have gone to Manzanar. What was this?

Japanese-American Internment camp. 


What was the Marshall Plan?

Plan for economic recovery of Europe. US would give monetary aid to countries recovering from the war. Not accepted by the Soviet Union or any of its Warsaw Pact allies. 


How many times have the Cincinnati Reds won the World Series?

Five (919, 1940, 1975, 1976, and 1990)


The Edmund Pettus Bridge played a key role in which Civil Rights Protest?

The march on Selma and "Bloody Sunday".


What was the economic theory of President Ronald Reagan's "Reaganomics" plan?

Cut taxes for most wealthy and let the savings "trickle down" to everyone else. 


What was the "Lend-Lease Act"?

The United States would give all Allied nations  food, oil, and materiel between 1941 and 1945. The aid was given free of charge on the basis that such help was essential for the defense of the United States.


Who was Senator McCarthy prosecuting during the Cold War AND what eventually lead to his downfall?

Prosecuting suspected Communists, ended after the PR disaster of the "Army-McCarthy Hearings".


Originally invented to assist with childbirth, this tool now helps cut trees.



What was the purpose of SNCC during the Civil Rights Movement?

Student Non-Violent Coordination Committee: Sought to coordinate youth-led nonviolent, direct-action campaigns against segregation and other forms of racism.


What was the name of the classified government report about the Vietnam conflict which stated that the government believed it could not be won? 

The Pentagon Papers