Unit 5- Cognition
Unit 6- Developmental Psychology
Unit 7- Motivation, Emotion & Personality
Unit 8- Clinical Psychology
Unit 9- Social Psychology

The basic unit of sound in a language is called a what?

What is a phoneme?


 The formation of a strong emotional bond between an infant and caregiver

What is attachment?


This type of personality thrives on social interaction and excitement.(Think Big 5 Personality Traits)

What is high extraversion?


This mood disorder is characterized by episodes of both mania (extreme elation) and depression (extreme sadness).

What is bipolar disorder?


his theory proposes that people conform to the opinions or behaviors of others.

What is conformity


 This strategy involves breaking down a complex problem into smaller, more manageable steps.

What is algorithmic problem solving?


 This rapid period of physical growth and change occurs during adolescence.

What is puberty?


His hierarchy of needs proposes that basic needs like survival must be met before pursuing higher goals like self-actualization. 

Who is Abraham Maslow?


The most widely used system for diagnosing mental disorders

What is the DSM-5


This theory suggests that we are more likely to help someone if there are fewer people available/present.

 What is the bystander effect?


Deriving meaning from sounds is known as what?

What is semantics?


The fertilized egg

What is a zygote?


This part of the brain plays a key role in processing emotions, especially fear.

What is the amygdala?


This anxiety disorder is characterized by persistent, irrational fear and avoidance of a specific object or situation.

What is a phobia?


This theory by Leon Festinger proposes that people experience discomfort when their beliefs are inconsistent with their behaviors, and are motivated to reduce this discomfort.

 What is Cognitive Dissonance Theory?


This sensitive period in early childhood is crucial for the development of language.

What is the critical period?


The understanding that objects continue to exist even when they are hidden from sight or otherwise out of sight.

What is object-permanence


These are the 5 Major Traits of the Big 5 Personality model.

What is openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism?


This form of therapy focuses on changing unhelpful thought patterns and behaviors.

What is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)?


This is the tendency to overestimate the role of personality traits or dispositions in explaining someone's behavior, while underestimating the role of situational factors.

What is the fundamental attribution error?


This stage in Piaget's theory is characterized by the development of object permanence and symbolic thought.

What is the sensorimotor stage?


This psychologist focused his/her theories on moral development 

Who is Lawrence Kohlberg


This personality assessment uses inkblots to analyze a person's inner thoughts and emotions.

What is the Rorschach Inkblot Test?


This therapeutic approach emphasizes the importance of the therapeutic relationship and the therapist's unconditional positive regard for the client. It is also known as Client-Centered Therapy- Developed by

Who is Carl Rogers?


This phenomenon describes the tendency for people to attribute their success to internal factors and their failures to external factors.

What is self-serving bias?