What are the two grammar topics studied in unit 6?
Countable/ uncountable nouns and articles
Correct or incorrect
The trip was funny, we enjoyed it a lot
incorrect - Fun
Do we use an infinitive or verb -ing after these verbs
Name 5 adventure activities
Hiking, camping, kayaking, bungee jumping, parachuting
Do English people celebrate an independence day?
Correct or incorrect
I need some informations about the job
Incorrect - information
How to you say the verb ´jubilarse´ in English
What verb form do we use after the verb ´continue´
verb -ing
a competition
What time does a typical English person eat dinner?
Work and job - which one is countable and which is uncountable?
Work - UC
Job - C
Name 5 different types of job
Temporary, full-time, office, manual, part-time, weekend, summer
After the expression ´its not worth´ do we use ing or infinitive?
GO hiking or DO hiking
If the time is 13.00 in Spain, what time is it in England?
When talking about countable and plural nouns in general we need
1) No article
2) an article
no article
What does ´worthwhile´ mean
worth the time or money you put into sth (vale la pena)
Is this sentence correct
Charlotte decided to not continue doing her Catalan course
not to continue
I could see the teacher watching/ looking me during the exam
At the end of lent we don´t celebrate with carnaval....we eat, what?
Use ´a great deal´ in a sentence with the correct noun
E.g. I put a great deal of effort into that project
A synonum for ´hard´
Complete this part 4 question
John found it impossible to not eat chocolate during his diet
John.................................. chocolate when dieting
couldnt help eating
An expression that means to get angry
Lose your temper
What holiday do UK people celebrate on the 5th of November?
Bonfire night (fireworks)