Definitions + a negative sentence
Functional language

But later the police arrested him ... a different crime

Others wait ... an opportunity their whole lives but it never comes.

Perhaps, you're stuck in a rut and it's time to look ... something new.

He used to save ... the future, but now he spends every penny he earns.


arrested for a crime

wait for an opportunity

look for something new

save for the future


Choose one of two words to explain:

discount or butcher's

Make a negative sentence with it

Discount - a reduction in the usual price 

Butcher's - a shop where meat is prepared and sold 


Answer shop assistant's questions:

Can I help you? Are you looking for anything in particular?

Possible answers:

Yes, please. Do you sell/have ...?

Thank you. I'm just looking


Use so, to and because

1. I worked hard ... pass my exam.

2. I play a lot of sport ... I want to stay fit.

3. He wanted to become a film star ... he went to Hollywood.

1. I worked hard to pass my exam

2. I play a lot of sport because I want to stay fit.

3. He wanted to become a film star so he went to Hollywood.


I've always dreamt ... visiting the desert!

Film director makes a documentary ... Amazon rain forest tribes.

What are you thinking ...?


dream about visiting

documentary about tribes

think about something


Choose one of two words to explain:

piggy bank or whale

Make a negative sentence with it

Piggy bank - a small container, sometimes in the shape of a pig, that is used by children for saving money 

Whale - a very large sea mammal that breathes air through a hole at the top of its head 


Get attention and ask shop assistant for a different colour/size.

Possible answers:

Excuse me! DO you have one of these in a different colour/ larger or smaller size?


1. Yesterday I felt bad, but today I'm much (happy).

2. It's (popular) tourist destination in the country.

3. This sauce tastes (good) than the other one you made.

4. It's (cheap) to stay in a bed and breakfast than to stay in a hotel.  

1. Yesterday I felt bad, but today I'm much happier.

2. It's the most popular tourist destination in the country.

3. This sauce tastes better than the other one you made.

4. It's cheaper to stay in a bed and breakfast than to stay in a hotel. 


He started a new career and played a part ... a comedy.

Have you ever invested money ... something?

I hate being ... debt!


play a part in

invest money in

be in debt


Choose one of two words to explain:

chicken out or mortgage

Make a negative sentence with it

Chicken out - to decide not to do something because you are too frightened

Mortgage - an agreement that allows you to borrow money from a bank or similar organization, especially in order to buy a house, or the amount of money itself 


It's a very small insect. This animal can bite you. This animal can give you malaria.

Make a guess, use phrases to say that it's possible.

Possible answers:

It might be a mosquito

It could be ...




Use one of the words for each sentence: too many, too, very, enough, too much

1. There isn't ... food here so we need to buy some more.

2. There's ... traffic on the roads.

3. This film is ... long.

4. The homework was ... difficult, but I finished it.

5. There are ... cars on the roads.

1. There isn't enough food here so we need to buy some more.

2. There's too much traffic on the roads.

3. This film is too long.

4. The homework was very difficult, but I finished it.

5. There are too many cars on the roads.


Lots of people say they'd like to do something different, like travel around the world, or move ... a new country.

Do you ever lend money ... family and friends?


move to a new country

lend money to family


Choose one of two words to explain:

stuck in a rut or a fly

Make a negative sentence with it

Stuck in a rut - too fixed in one particular type of job, activity, method, etc., and needing to change 

Fly - a small insect with two wings 


get attention and ask for information the hairdresser's (location and working hours). 

Possible answers:

Could you tell me where the hairdresser's is?

What time is it open?


complete with positive/negative and question forms of used to +verbs (be, study, like)

1. ... you ... ... French at school?

2. He ... ... ... her because he thought she was rude.

3. There ... ... a cinema in the town centre, but it's closed now.

1. Did you use to study French at school?

2. He didn't use to like her because he thought she was rude.

3. There used to be a cinema in the town centre, but it's closed now.


Where I work, too many people spend hours in the kitchen making coffee, and they never take ... their cups at the end of the day.

When are you going ... home? Have you booked your tickets yet?


take back their cups

go back home


Choose one of two words to explain:

impostor or poaching

Make a negative sentence with it

Impostor - a person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others 

Poaching - the catching and killing of animals without permission on someone else's land 


It can run as fast as a horse. It's the biggest bird. It can't fly. 

Make 3 guesses; 1- it's not possible

2 - it's possible

3 - it's certain

Possible answers:

1. It's definitely not a pigeon/ It can't be a pigeon.

2. It might be a penguin/ It could be/Perhaps/Maybe

3. It must be an ostrich.


1. Many people are frightened of a/an/the/- spiders.

2. We heard that there is a/an/the/- new camel in the zoo.

3. We saw a/an/the/- eagle when we were in the USA.

4. I had a/an/the/- pet dog which I loved, but a/an/the/- dog didn't like me!

5. The cheetah is a/an/the/- fastest land animal.

1. Many people are frightened of spiders.

2. We heard that there is a new camel in the zoo.

3. We saw an eagle when we were in the USA.

4. I had a pet dog which I loved, but the dog didn't like me!

5. The cheetah is the fastest land animal.