Where can you go (for free) for help writing a paper, free tutor sessions, financial consultations, and free school supplies?
Student Success Center (in t coop!)
What is the symbolism of the Gamecock mascot?
Gamecocks fight until the death!
Who is on the bass fishing team at USC?
What state is Mattie from?
How many kids does Norm have?
What building exists mostly underground?
Thomas Cooper Library
Which undergraduate program has been ranked #1 in the nation for more than 20 years in a row?
International Business
Who is most likely to answer a question Norm or I ask?
What does Mattie want to be when she grows up?
Name one of Norm's hobbies
Waterskiing, snowskiing, racquet ball
Where do you browse online to get involved and find a place in the Carolina community?
Garnet Gate
What is the final line (and hand motion) of the alma mater?
"Here's a health Carolina, forever to thee!" Hand motion to raise a toast.
Who shows up in pajamas to class everyday?
Who is Mattie's favorite music artist?
Zach Bryan
What did Norm want to do with his life before he came to USC?
Where can you do mock interviews and get your resume checked?
Career Center
Why was USC closed from 1861-1865?
The Civil War (lack of students, military hospital)
Who has never missed a day of class?
What has been Mattie's favorite class in undergrad?
Organic chemistry
How many grandkids does Norm have?
What is the minimum GPA to stay off academic probation?
What is one of the five tenets of the Carolinian Creed?
Integrity, Respect Dignity, Respect Rights and Property, Discourage Bigotry, Concern for Others,
Who has a pet goose?
What is Mattie's favorite bar?
What is Norm's wife's job