Independence, Family Values & Campus Safety
Degrees, Majors, & Careers
Leadership Development
Planning Your Future
When students leave for college and are separated from friendships that have developed over time.
What is friendsickness?
It is considered the culmination of an undergraduate education.
What is a baccalaureate or bachelor's degree?
These are things we are born with or cannot easily change about our physical being.
What are primary dimensions?
This is the process of taking people from one level of knowledge to another level by providing them with facts, information, perspectives, and interpretations.
What is Informing?
It embraces the keys to success in college and in the future which are established by planning ahead, using your time well, taking advantage of campus and community resources.
What is a Plan of Action?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
What is FERPA?
To obtain a broader knowledge of the wider world, this education discipline requires students to complete courses from all major groupings, e.g. social science, fine arts, humanities, physical and biological sciences, and quantitative and engineering studies.
What is liberal arts?
This societywide peer group collectively has common values and attitudes.
What is a generation?
This is the process by which people take new learned knowledge and form new values and beliefs.
What is Forming?
They are specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and timely.
What are SMART goals?
A philosophy meaning "in place of the parent" where universities were responsible for students pre-FERPA era.
What is in loco parentis?
It focuses on preparing students for specific careers that require competence in certain technology or skill sets.
What is a professional degree program?
In university communities, they are in the higher leadership roles (e.g. presidents, deans, directors), senior faculty (emeriti and full professors), and occasionally older/re-entry students.
What are Traditionalist?
This requires using your education to better yourself, your family, your community, your country, and your planet.
What is Transforming?
This person has more experience than you in the particular area on which you are focusing and could provide you with advice about how to achieve your goal.
What is a mentor?
Ambivalence, cognitive separation, emotional separation, values clarification, and new relationship represent the five distinct stages.
What is Bloom's Theory of Parent/Adolescent Separation?
This test is based on the work of Carl Jung, a psychologist who studied psychological types.
What is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
This "refers to individual differences in wealth, income, economic power, or social position" according to the United Nations (2010).
What is socioeconomic status?
Challenging the process, inspiring a shared vision, enabling others to act, modeling the way, and encouraging the heart are a part of a model developed by James Kouzes and Barry Posner.
What are the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership?
This person's primary responsibility is to care about you, believe in your ability to achieve your goals, and provide encouragement during those rough moments.
What is an Advocate?
This item mandates that colleges campuses track and publish their crime statistics.
What is the Clery Act?
Expert, formal authority, personal model, facilitator, and delegator are all methods used by college/university professors.
What is a teaching style?
A person initiates this by prejudging a person or a group based on stereotypes, which leads to feelings of like or dislike, fear or comfort.
What is prejudice?
These campus, regional, or national groups usually require a certain GPA for admission.
What is an Honor Society?
The focus of this year should be about researching your post-graduate options in academic, personal, social, and career areas.
What is the Junior/Transfer Year?