What are office hours?
A place for free food.
What is the SHSU Food Pantry?
Belief that a person’s intelligence can change overtime – that their brain can grow with effort and persistence.
What is Growth Mindset?
SHSU founding year
What is 1879?
A place to meet with an advisor.
What is the SAM Center?
Peer Mentors
Who is Samantha?
SHSU's living room
What is the Lowman Student Center?
Avoid failure, avoid challenges, don't change or improve, stick to what they know, feedback and criticism is personal.
What is a Fixed Mindset?
SHSU's mascot.
Who is Sammy Bearkat?
A place to get medical attention.
What is the Student Health Center?
Attendance grade
What is 600pts or 60%?
A place to get free scantrons.
What is Student Money Management (or Tripods Thrift)?
Visualizing semester assignments and setting Priorities, spacing study practice, using a planning tool, getting organized, and not procrastinating
What are Time Management strategies?
Current SHSU President
A place to received 1-1 financial coaching, support with budgeting as a student and learning more about financial wellness.
What is Student Money Management?
Common Reader
What is "Callings" by David Isay?
A quiet place to print and work on assignments and do research.
What is the Newton Gresham Library?
studying or focusing for 25 minutes and then taking a 5 minute break
What is the pomodoro technique?
SHSU's system membership
What is the Texas State University System?
A virtual place to receive mental health care.
What is Timely Care?
What is an "A" Excellent Work"?
A place to view the stars.
What is the SHSU Planetarium?
The planetarium is located in the Farrington Building, room 102. Admission is free.
Preview, Attend, Review, Study, Check, Preview, Attend, Review, Study, Check, Preview, Attend, Review, Study........
What is the Study Cycle?
The SHSU motto.
What is the "Measure of a life is its purpose"?
A place to "shop" for career attire.
What is the Reba Bock Career Closet? (Tripod's Thrift)