The page set up of an MLA essay.
What is Times New Roman 12pt size text with double spacing?
Name at least three different themes in the book.
What is body image, teen pregnancy, family relationships, homophobia, religion, addiction, ect?
The amount of Absences permitted
How many is 3 absences?
Name of Wednesday activity?
What is the Wonder Wednesday?
Name an alternate type of writing format.
What is APA, Chicago?
The three different methods of appeal in an argument.
What is ethos, pathos, and logos?
The Author's name
Who is Isabel Quintero?
The phone policy.
What is no phone usage during class?
Name of class purple marker.
Who is Pepe?
Gabi's religious aunt.
An in text citation.
What is the (Author's last name, page #). ?
The real name of the character Payasa.
Who is Georgina?
The amount of graded assignments assigned throughout the semester.
How many is 5 assignments?
The thesis structure Mars used for an assignment.
What is TPR (Topic, Position, Rationale)?
What SI stands for.
What is Supplemental Instruction?
The four strategies of revision(from zoom video).
What is purpose, feedback, aggression, and knowing when to stop?
The college Gabi ends up going to.
What is UC Berkeley?
The LRC visits.
What is a writing tutoring session and workshop?
Mar's major?
What is the Art major, graphic design?
Mars's favorite hat.
What is the black hooded scarf?