This is where students can find academic support for subjects like English, math, and science.
The Academic Resource Center (ARC)/Korman Center
A website that helps Drexel students learn about clubs, events, and opportunities on campus.
The Undergraduate Advising Suite is located on...
...the third floor of GHall!
This is the name of the tool that students use to prepare for course registration.
Schedule ahead
What is Andrew majoring in?
Drexel Central
A summer opportunity for freshmen to participate in academic research with a faculty advisor.
STAR Scholars
I want to add a co-major to my plan of study. I should talk to my...
...academic advisor.
This is the recommended amount of credits that an undergraduate student should take each quarter.
15 credits
Where does Annette work?
Drexel Recreation Center
The name of the department that deals with all things co-op (the S in SCDC).
Steinbright Career Development Center
A student wants to study abroad in England! The first step that they should take before beginning the study abroad process is...
...attend a Study Abroad 101 session.
I have a question about doing a co-op abroad. I should be going to my... advisor.
This day is the final day to add and drop courses in a quarter.
The Sunday at the end of Week 1 (at 11:59PM)
What is Annette majoring in?
International Business and Organizational Management
A special office exclusive to LeBow students to help them with interviewing tips, LinkedIn help, and negotiating salaries.
Undergraduate Career Services Office
This department helps connect students with opportunities to become more involved within the Philadelphia community.
Lindy Center for Civic Engagement
The place where I can schedule an appointment with my academic advisor.
This resource is used to look through your graduation requirements to create your schedule.
Where is Andrew's hometown (county)?
Bucks County, Pennsylvania
This resource is exclusive to Drexel students which allows them to connect with alumni for career development and advice.
Dragon Network
This program is open to any Drexel student and gives them the opportunity to become globally minded citizens.
Global Engagement Scholars
The recommended amount of times a student should touch base with their academic advisor.
Once per term
This day is the final day to withdraw from a course within a quarter.
The Friday of Week 7 (end of the business day)
Where did Allie live before moving to Philadelphia?
Prague, Czech Republic!