Personal Attributes
Self-Care and Social Relationships
Worker Traits
You are in the middle of doing a job and then your supervisor asks you to stop and do something different.
What is Flexibility.
You are able to identify problems and work towards finding solutions to problems.
What is Problem Solving.
You are able to use appropriate personal space when interacting with your peers.
What is Social Relationships with Peers.
You are able to work for the full time that you are expected to work without taking unnecessary breaks or complaining.
What is Stamina.
You do what your supervisors ask you to do the first time they ask and maintain a positive attitude while doing it. When a supervisor points out a mistake that you have made, you do not get angry, but instead accept the criticism and correct the mistake.
What is Response to Direction/Correction.
You are polite and respectful towards everyone. You greet people when you see them and say "excuse me" or "sorry" if you need to walk past someone or accident do something impolite.
What is Social Manners.
You are able to demonstrate appropriate behaviors for different settings and situations.
What is Self-Control.
You don't sag your pants or wear inappropriate clothing when at school or work.
What is Grooming.
This is what you are not demonstrating when you are working so slow that you can't get your work done in the appropriate amount of time.
What is Work Speed.
You stay focused on the task at hand, even during distractions. You do not socialize too much and you keep your head up, pay attention, and maintain positive body language.
What is Attentiveness.
You understand the consequences of breaking rules and always follow them in school, the workplace, and the community.
What is Following Rules.
You are able to deal withg stressful situations and people, and can verbalize negative feelings rather than acting on them.
What is Frustration Tolerance.
You show respect for your supervisors through your tone of voice, attitude, and overall behavior.
What is Social Relationships with Authority Figures.
This means doing the job correctly and completely, including checking for mistakes and correcting them as needed.
What is Work Quality.
You are able to start routine tasks without being asked to. You step up and volunteer for tasks when a supervisor asks. You finish one task before moving on to another. You find or ask for for more work when you finish a task.
What is Initiative.
You can be trusted to respect others' property and refrain from stealing things that belong to other people.
What is Trustworthiness.
You are able to ask for help in appropriate ways at appropriate times.
What is Assistance Seeking.
You always brush your teeth, comb or brush your hair, wear clean clothes, take a shower, and put on deodorant before you go to school or work.
What is Hygiene.
This is what you are not demonstrating if you are working so fast that the quality of the work goes down.
What is Work Speed.
You do your share of the work that is assigned. You share materials with others and help peers or co-workers with job tasks as necessary.
What is Cooperation with Others.
You can be trusted to act responsibly when left on your own and to tell the truth at all times.
What is Trustworthiness.
You are at work and you think of a really funny joke that you want to tell your co-worker, but you decide to wait until you have a break to share it with them.
What is Self-Control.
You accept the strengths and weaknesses of your co-workers and do not let them disrupt your performance on the job.
What is Social Relationships with Peers.
You are able to work without help from supervisors. You stay on task without being reminded and make routine decisions without needing reassurance from supervisors.
What is Independence.
You willingly perform job tasks and demonstrate a positive attitude through the way that you talk, the way that you act (body language), and the quality/speed of your performance.
What is Motivation.