Brain Development and Body Image:
Socializing With Other Children
Social Media Use and Parenting
Explicit content seen by children
Digital FootPrint

What is the potential negative effect of seeking validation on social media for teenagers' self-concept and identity formation?

What is depression, self worth, eating disorder, manipulation of beliefs, obsession, and many others that fall under this?


How does excessive social media usage impact children's face-to-face communication skills?

What is: "Constant social media usage can hinder children's face-to-face communication skills by reducing opportunities for real-time interactions, leading to difficulties in interpreting non-verbal cues and maintaining eye contact?"


How does exposure to parents’ idealized images and narratives on social media influence children’s self-esteem and body image development?

What is “it can contribute to children’s negative self-comparison and unrealistic body image standards, potentially leading to lowered self-esteem?”


What is the psychological impact?

Exposure to inappropriate content can lead to increased anxiety, desensitization to violence, and confusion about social norms.


What are the potential risks of oversharing personal information online for adolescents?

What is when they share too much, privacy concerns, potential identity theft or even cyber bullying?


What negative impact does online bullying have on teenagers' social skills and emotional well-being?

what are body negativity, loss of sleep, lack of social skills, risky behaviors, depression, anxiety, bullying and many more unhealthy things?


What role does social media play in shaping children's empathy and emotional intelligence?

What is "Excessive use or exposure to cyberbullying and negative interactions on social media platforms can desensitize children and obstruct their ability to understand and respond to others' emotions effectively?"


In what ways can parental oversharing on social media platforms affect children’s sense of privacy and autonomy?

What is “it can erode children’s sense of privacy and autonomy, leading to feelings of exposure and loss of control over their personal information?”

“9% of surveyed children recently had a misuse of their personal data” according to a study conducted by a Journal of Educational Technology & Society, vol. 21, no. 1


What are the behavioral changes?

Children may exhibit aggression, decreased empathy, or engage in risky activities imitating what they've seen. It can also lead to social withdrawal and difficulties in forming healthy relationships.


In what ways might a digital footprint affect an adolescent's social relationships and reputation among peers?

What is inappropriate content or controversial content can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, or even bullying?


What are the potential consequences of excessive social media use during adolescence on brain development and cognitive abilities?

What is Clinical dependency, brain damage, ocular damage, Lack of motivation, etc. 

"Recent research shows over 50% of teens reporting at least one symptom of clinical dependency on social media."-American Psychological Association


How does social media influence the development of conflict resolution skills in children? 

What is "Social media can cause conflicts among children by providing a platform for instant, often impulsive communication without the benefit of face-to-face interaction. This can delay the development of constructive conflict resolution skills, as children may resort to avoidance or aggressive behavior rather than seeking understanding and compromise?"


How does parents’ excessive use of social media impact children’s perception of parental attention and availability?”

What is “it can lead to children feeling neglected or less valued due to perceived lack of parental attention and availability?”


What are the educational consequences?

Exposure to inappropriate content can distract children and negatively impact their ability to learn, potentially leading to decreased academic performance.


How can adolescents be educated about managing their digital footprints responsibly?

what is reaching out to an adult, doing their own research, help from their parents/peers, etc.?


How does exposure to idealized images on social media affect teenagers' body image and self-esteem?

What happens when kids see perfect pictures on social media? It can make them feel bad about their bodies and themselves, like they're not good enough. They might start comparing themselves to others and doing things that aren't good for them? 


How does social media usage affect children's ability to form and maintain real-life friendships?

What is "Although social media provides platforms for communication and connection, excessive screen time may reduce the time children spend engaging in face-to-face interactions, potentially ruining the development of meaningful friendships. Moreover, online interactions can sometimes lack depth and intimacy, impacting the quality of friendships?"


This term describes the phenomenon where parents become excessively absorbed in social media, potentially hindering their ability to effectively parent.

What is “digital distraction?”


What is the role of the parent?

Parents should have important conversations about setting boundaries and understanding the difference between reality and media portrayals.


How can an adolescent's digital footprint influence their future college admissions or job opportunities?

What is inappropriate posts,  possible political views, personal information, past workplaces, past accounts, emails, etc.?


What is the correlation between heavy social media usage in adolescence and academic performance?

what is possibly leading to lower grades, reduced study time, decreased focus, and increased distraction?


What are the potential long-term effects of early exposure to social media on children's social skills development?

What is "Early exposure to social media can have lasting effects on children's social skills development. It may contribute to a reliance on digital communication at the expense of face-to-face interactions, leading to difficulties in building and maintaining relationships offline. Additionally, exposure to cyberbullying and online conflicts can have detrimental effects on children's mental health and interpersonal skills, potentially impacting their social well-being into adulthood?"


Research suggests that parents who spend excessive time on social media may struggle with this important aspect of parenting, leading to potential negative impacts on their children.

What is “engagement and attentiveness?”


What are some preventative measures?

Implementing parental controls and filtering software, monitoring children's online activities, promoting media literacy education, and advocating for stricter regulations.


In what ways can parents posting personal information, photos, etc. about their children on social media influence the child’s sense of privacy and digital footprint?

Do you know how when parents share stuff about their kids on Facebook or Instagram, like pictures or stories, it might seem fun, but does it ever make you wonder how it could affect the kids? Like, could it make them feel like they don't have much privacy?