The Earth
Energy Transfer
Earth's Surface
Topographic Maps
Scientists use the skills of observing, ___________, and ___________
Inferring and Predicting
What does the hydrosphere contain?
All the earth's waters including oceans, lakes, rivers and ice.
Name three ways that energy can be transferred:
Moving Objects, Waves, Heat Flow
What type of landform has both high relief and high elevation?
What does a topographic map show that a political map with latitude and longitude does not show?
Topographic maps show the shape of land and whether it's flat, sloping, hilly, or mountainous.
Is the following an observation or inference? Why? When the powder was added to the liquid, there was a loud pop and then smoke began to rise out of the liquid.
It's an observation because there is no explaining of what is happening. It is only an observation using the person's senses.
What does the lithosphere contain?
Earth's solid, rocky outer layer.
If energy is able to transfer without a medium, such as sunlight through space, then this transfer of heat energy is called ________________
What is the name of the line that travels North and South across the earth through Greenwich in England?
The Prime Meridian
If contour lines are spread far apart on a topographic map, what does that tell us about that area?
Contour lines that are close together show steep areas, while contour lines that are spread apart show areas that have a mild or gradual slope (are not steep).
Good science involves the creation of experiments that only have one variable that is manipulated, while everything else stays the same. This is called a ________________ experiment.
Controlled Experiment
List the four "spheres" of the Earth:
Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, and Biosphere
An ice cube is placed into your hand. Describe the flow of energy.
Heat transfers thermal energy from your body to the ice cube.
What is the distance that is measured north or south of the equator called?
Open a new tab or browser and go to the map found here: What is the contour interval?
Mr. Weis created an experiment where he planted the same kind of bean in the same kind of soil and placed the plants in the same location. He then watered them with three different kinds of liquids to see how that would affect their growth in height. What would the responding variable be in the experiment? Explain why it is the responding variable.
The responding variable would be "the growth in height" because that is what would change as a response to the manipulated variable (the different types of liquid).
Explain one way that the hydrosphere can affect the lithosphere.
Rivers and bodies of water can cut through the lithosphere by eroding away the surface of the earth.
Describe the names and shapes of the two main types of waves.
Transverse Waves - up and down Compressional Waves - back and forth
Describe one way a plain and plateau are similar and one way that they are sometimes different.
Plains and plateaus both usually have level surfaces with low relief. Plateaus have high elevation, while plains usually have low elevation
Explain one reason why a topographic map might be more helpful than a street map for a tourist visiting and walking San Francisco.
A topographic map could show which streets are very steep with contour lines that are close together. This would make it so the tourist could avoid the steep streets, yet still get to where he/she is going.
Scientists make inferences based on _______________ and __________ ________________.
Observations and Prior Knowledge
What is one way that the volcanoes in the lithosphere could affect the atmosphere? Explain
Eruptions by volcanoes release many gases that join the gases within the atmosphere and change its composition. (Sulphuric acid can lead to increased acid rain and Carbon Dioxide is a greenhouse gas which contributes to global warming).
Explain why the balloon did not pop when it had water in it. Use both heat transfer words that begin with C's in your explanation.
As the flame transfers heat energy to the balloon, conduction occurs (transfer by contact) between the balloon and the water. Then convection (transfer by mixing) occurs as the hot water rises, then cools and sinks back down. This transfer of energy allows the water to continually absorb the heat energy and prevents the rubber balloon from absorbing it and popping.
A mountain has a relief of 6000 meters, but its elevation is only 200 meters. Explain how this is possible.
Elevation is just height above sea level, while relief is the distance from the bottom of an object to the top of it. Perhaps this mountain is partly underwater.
Open a browser window or tab and look at the topographic map at Draw a quick sketch of the profile of the mountain with the left side of your page being south and the right side being north.