What is....
Africa 2
Egypt 2
How do the Egyptians compare to the Greece and Rome? Who is a Pharaoh?
Greece and rome kept authority of their empires with taxes. Political and religions leaden of the Egyptian people.
How did the area of the Sahel in Africa change? what is the poorest continent in the world?
It's getting smaller and smaller. Africa
What is portable water? What is literacy?
water shipped from other places. to read and write.
Which landforms can you find in Africa? Which ecosystems can be found in Africa?
Plains, mountains, and plateaus. Deserts, grasslands, and rain forest.
What is the process of becoming a mummy called? What are the pyramids in Egypt used for?
mummification. As tombs for Pharaohs and their Queens.
What are the achievements of the Egyptians? What is a major river Ancient Egypt located on?
Calendar System, irrigation, number system, medicine, ship building. The nile river.
How many regions is Africa broken up into? What are the causes of Imperialism in Africa?
5. European countries looking for more reasons.
What is life expectancy? what is malnourish mean?
How long somebody lives. Poor health, lack of good food.
Why do people live with both Nuclear and extended families? What is one thing people do to past down tradition to tradition?
Due to tribal life. Tell stories.
What is how do the egyptians compare to the greeks and the Romans? What were the names of the three Niles?
Greeks and romans authority there empires with taxes. Blue nile, white nile, and red nile.
Who did the Egyptians trade with?
Nubia, greece, Arabia.
What caused the slave trade in Africa? How has the role changed for women in Africa from the past to today?
Imperialism. Hasn't changed.
.What is public issue? what is colonialism?
issue that effects all. full political control.
What are hieroglyphics?
They are pictures that are craved to represent different letters and symbols.
What are Egyptians most famous for? Who are pharaohs?
There pyramids and tombs. a king that leads its people.
How did the Agricultural Revolution impact the ancient Nile river valley?
It allowed plants to be better at growing and get more
What is an example of cultural diffusion in Africa? How does region part play apart to how Africa is seen by the world?
Language. Culture and experience shape belief systems.
What is irrigation? what are gender roles?
the moving of water to one place to another. the roles men and women play in a culture or society.
What are the positive effects of Imperialism in Africa? What are negative effects of Imperialism in Africa?
Roads, canals, railways, technology, and medicine. Slavery, lost of different tribes.
How are Africa and Egypt the same?
They both used and uses the Calendar system.