Leave No Trace
Public Lands Management
Backcountry Travel
Outdoor Practices and Leadership
Packing out trash and digging catholes are ways to practice this LNT principle.
What is Dispose of Waste Properly?
This is the year when the Wilderness Act was passed
What is 1964.
This land management agency manages mostly rangelands and underground mineral rights, and manages lands in 12 Western states.
What is the Bureau of Land Management?
This is the number of Leave no Trace Principles
What is 7?
This is the knot used to tie into your harness when climbing.
What is the Figure Eight Knot?
Knowing regulations, preparing for weather and emergencies, and scheduling your trip to avoid high times of use are examples of this LNT principle.
What is Plan Ahead and Prepare?
This percentage of US lands are designated as Wilderness Areas.
What is 4.5%?
This land management organization manages land in 44 states, mostly managing timberlands and above-ground resources, and is part of the Department of Agriculture.
What is the US Forest Service?
These help sustain energy levels over multiple days exerting energy while backpacking.
What are healthy, unsaturated fats?
This is how to keep food safe from critters while camping.
What is hang a bear bag/hang your food in a tree?
Using established trails and campsites are examples of practicing this LNT principle.
What is Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces?
This state has the most designated Wilderness in all of the US.
What is Alaska?
This percentage of US lands are owned by the federal government
What is 30%?
These are 2 examples of durable surfaces.
What are rock, trail, snow, gravel, grass, etc?
This is what causes people to occasionally become ill from drinking untreated water in the backcountry.
What is bacteria?
Not disturbing rocks, plants, and historical structures are examples of practicing this Leave No Trace principle.
What is Leave What You Find?
This is an example of a local Wilderness Area
What is the Maroon Bells Snowmass Wilderness; Holy Cross Wilderness; Raggeds Wilderness; Collegiate Peaks Wilderness; Hunter Frying-Pan Wilderness
The Colorado River runs through this many states.
What is 7?
These are 2 considerations to make when planning a backpacking menu.
What is the weight of the food, space in your backpack, equipment to cook on, limited food storage, nutritional needs?
These are two uses of water from the Colorado River
What are agriculture, human consumption/cities, ranching, etc?
Storing food properly, not approaching animals, and controlling your pets are examples of practicing this Leave No Trace ethic.
What is Respect Wildlife?
These are 2 of 5 criteria necessary for land to be considered for Wilderness designation.
What is 1) land must be under federal ownership/management 2) area must be at least 5,000 acres 3) human influence is "substantially unoticeable" 4) there are opportunities for solitude and recreation 5) area possesses ecological, geological, scientific, educational, scenic, or historic value
This is the philosophy that the environment and its resources should be used by humans and managed in a responsible manner
What is Conservation?
This is where you should pack heavy items in your backpack.
What is close to your back and in the middle of your pack?
This is the philosophy that lands and natural resources shouldn't be consumed by humans, rather they should be maintained in their pure form.
What is preservation?