Causes of the Revolution
Rule of Napoleon
Acts of Freedom
This person is known for saying, "Let them eat cake."
Who is Marie Antoinette?
In this meeting, three groups divided by class meet and discuss laws.
What is the Estates-General?
This proclamation stated that no state under the French empire would trade with England.
What is the Berlin Decree?
In this first blood of the French Revolution, peasants mobbed against this prison to gain weapons.
What is The Storming of the Bastille?
Following the execution of Louis XIV, this new era washed over France in which 30,000 people lost their lives.
What is the Reign of Terror?
A famous quote by this person is, "L'État, c'est moi." ("I am the state")
Who is Louis XIV?
This is what the Third Estate called themselves after being locked out of the Estates-General.
What is the National Assembly?
Unseen in France before, Napoleon introduced this form of education.
What is public schooling?
In October 1789, hordes of women waved banners and loaves of bread on bayonets to persuade the king to do this.
What is Move to Paris?
This device was invented for faster, more efficient, and less painful executions.
What is the guillotine?
The first emperor of France, and the dominant ruler of most of Europe.
Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?
After being locked out of the Estates-General, the Third Estate gathered in a sport hall and swore to this.
What is the Tennis Court Oath?
These countries aligned against Napoleon Bonaparte after he started what came to be known as his Hundred Days Campaign.
What is Austria, Britain, Russia and Prussia?
During this large public event, King Louis XIV is remembered for having said, "Why do you weep, Did you think I was immortal?"
What is Louis XIV's execution?
Most of the victims were not nobility, but were this.
What is an unlucky commoner (every day citizens, ordinary people)?
Because of this man's frivolous spending and expensive wars, France fell into deep debt that only got worse over time.
Who is Louis XIV?
Because of this, the palace of Versailles was built while the citizens of France starved.
What is Royal Overspending?
Napoleon was exiled to this island, where he later escaped and came back to power, only to be exiled once more to this second island.
What is Elba and Saint Helena?
Louis XVI signed this document written and approved by the National Assembly which gave several individual rights and protections to the people of France, though never intended to support it.
What is The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?
Who inspired the guillotine?
Who is Doctor Joseph Ignace Guillotin?
"Terror is nothing other than justice."
Who is Maxmilien Robespierre?
This issue brought together the French General Assembly after more than one hundred years of absence.
What is taxing the nobles?
These are the two European countries that Napoleon did not take over.
What is England and Russia?
This constitution was written two years after The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, and retained the monarchy.
What is the Constitution of 1791?
These two man created the guillotine.
Who is Antoine Louis and Tobias Schmidt?