Thinkin' Caps
Newton's Trivia
Whatcha Know
Brain Busters
Occurs only when air resistance does not affect the motion of a falling object.
What is Free Fall
An object is in projectile motion if it a. Is thrown with a horizontal push b. Is accelerated downward by gravity c. Does not accelerate horizontally d. all of the above
What is d. all of the above
A crumpled piece of paper hits the ground before a flat sheet of paper because of____________
What is Air Resistance
The reaction force of a chair you are sitting on a. Is greater than your weight b. Is equal your weight c. Is determined by many factors d. Varies
What is b. Is equal your weight
If an action force is a cue ball hitting a billiard ball, then the reaction force is a. Exerted on the table b. Exerted on all the other billiard balls c. Not present d. Exerted by the billiard ball on the cue ball
What is d. Exerted by the billiard ball on the cue ball
The path that a thrown object follows.
What is Projectile Motion
Newton's first law of motion applies to a. Moving objects b. Objects that are not moving c. Objects that are accelerating d. Both (a) and (b)
What is d. both (a) and (b)
Orbital motion is a combination of forward motion and____________
What is Free Fall
Which of the following is the equation for Newton's 2nd Law of motion? a. F=m x a b. M= F x a c. a= m/F d. F=m/a
What is a. F= m x a
Which of the following objects has least acceleration? a. An empty shopping cart pushed with a hard force b. A full shopping cart pushed with a hard force c. An empty shopping cart pushed with a light force d. A full shopping cart pushed with a light force
What is d. A full shopping cart pushed with a light force
An object in motion has ___________, so it tends to stay in motion.
What is Inertia
What feature of an object does NOT affect air resistence? a. Its size b. Its chemical properties c. Its shape d. Its speed
What is b. its chemical properties
According to Newton's first law of motion, a moving object that is not acted on by an unbalance force will___________
What is Remain in motion
Which is a common unbalanced force action on objects in motion? a. Inertia b. Acceleration c. Friction d. Speed
What is c. Friction
When a moving bumper car collides with a bumper car at rest, which of the following occur? a. Momentum is transferred to the car at rest b. Momentum is transferred to the ground beneath the cars c. Momentum is transferred to the moving car d. There is no transfer of momentum
What is a. Momentum is transferred to the car at rest
An object is falling at its ________________ if it falls at a constant velocity.
What is Terminal Velocity
Why do astronauts in space appear weightless? a. There is no gravity b. Air resistance opposes gravity c. They have no mass in space d. They are in free fall
What is d. They are in free fall
What is the statement: The acceleration of an object depends on its mass and the amount of force applied.
What is Newton's 2nd Law
When a train increases its velocity, its momentum a. Decreases b. Remains unchanged c. Increases d. Is transferred to its surroundings
What is c. Increases
Why does a ball thrown horizontally follow a path that is curved downward? a. There is no acceleration on the ball b. The ball is accelerated in the horizontal direction only c. The ball is accelerated by gravity in the vertical direction only d. The ball is accelerated in both the vertical and horizontal directions.
What is c. The ball is accelerated by gravity in the vertical direction only
The property of moving objects that depends on mass and velocity.
What is Momentum
If a baseball and a cannonball are dropped from the same height at the same time, and there is no air resistance, which ball will hit the ground first? a. The cannonball b. The baseball c. The balls both land at the same time d. The ball with the larger volume will land first
What is c. The balls land at the same time
What is the statement: All forces act in pairs?
What is Newton's 3rd Law
If a moving object collides with an object at rest the two objects stick together, their combined momentum will be a. Double the original momentum of the moving object b. Equal to the original momentum of the moving object c. Les than the original momentum of the moving object d. More than the original momentum of the moving object
What is b. Equal to the original momentum of the moving object
DOUBLE JEOPARDY ____the path of the orbiting spacecraft ____the path of free fall for the spacecraft ____the path the spacecraft would follow if there were no gravity ____curve of the earths surface
What is D C B A