Is this
YOUR counselor?
The Three
"R"s at BMS
School Counselors
do what?
Planning for
So you just don't understand....
She shares the 6th grade office with Ms. Brown, assistant principal
Who is Mrs. Caldwell?
The 3 R's you can use to ensure you are successful at Berkmar Middle School?
What are Be ready, Be respectful and Be responsible?
A group of students meet with the counselor to learn about study skills, academic success, and grief
What is a small group?
6 each day
What is the number of classes that everyone takes in middle school?
Come to school early on this day to get help when you don't understand things...
What is Wednesday (Help day)?
The counselor that can be found upstairs with Dr. Tuttle
Who is Ms. Feinberg?
Using your agenda to keep up with assignments and assessments an example of this "R"
What is be responsible or be ready?
Visiting classes to talk about bullying and harassment, study skills and careers.
What are classroom lessons?
PE, health, journalism, Spanish, science, language arts, band, chorus, orchestra, art
What are connections?
The plan that you, your parents and teachers will create and sign when your grade drops below a 70% to help you to succeed in class
What is an academic contract?
The counselor that shares the 7th grade office with Ms. Suggs
Who is Ms. Harris?
Reviewing/studying your notes daily is an example of this "R".
What is being ready?
The report that tells teachers how many days their students are present, absent and tardy
What is attendance?
You have to pass these 2 classes to be promoted to the next grade
What are math and Language arts?
If you are not passing with a 70% after the first semester, you maybe invited to attend..
What is Patriot Promotion Academy?
What you talk about in the counselor's office remains there...
What is confidentiality?
Treating people the way you want to be treated with kind actions and words is an example of this "R".
What is being respectful?
Help students solve problems and make decisions so that they can be successful students and young people
What do school counselors do?
4 out of 6
What are the number of classes that you HAVE to pass to be promoted to the next grade?
Your personal school website, full of information about classwork, homework and things to study
What is eCLASS?
The people that can listen and help with personal, social and academic problems to help you become a better student
Who are your school counselors?
Being at school and in classes on time daily is an example of this "R".
What is be ready?
An emergency situation or problem that the counselor will stop everything to help with
What is a crisis?
Only 8th graders have to do this for promotion to 9th grade
What is pass reading and math on the GA milestones?
You can only take 2 classes here if you don't pass during the school year...
What is summer school?