Nifty '50s
The Sounds of the 1980s
Things Change
Lost Slang
It Happened One April

The decade saw people move to these places on the outskirts of cities

What are the suburbs? It was sometimes cheaper to pay a mortgage on a suburban home than it was to rent in the city


Lionel Richie performed “Endless Love” as a duo with this former Supreme.

Who is Diana Ross?


You wore these to keep your legs warm in the 1950s; now they’re all the rage in fashion, but they’re skintight instead of baggy.

What are leggings?


If you were about to get into a fight, you would be cruisin' for one of these.

What is a bruisin’? Cruisin’ for a bruisin’.


On April 14, 1865, John Wilkes Booth shot President Lincoln at this venue in Washington, D.C

What is Ford’s Theater? John Wilkes Booth was an actor, but he was not acting in that evening’s performance. Lincoln died the next morning.


They are Queen Elizabeth II’s four children.

Who are Charles, Anne, Andrew, and Edward? Prince Edward was the first British royal to have been born with his father in the delivery room.


Children born throughout the decade of the 1950s belong to this generation.

What is baby boomer? Boomers were born from 1946 to 1964.


Stevie Wonder “just called to say” this.

What is “I love you”? The 1984 hit tune was “I Just Called to Say I Love You.”


Everyone used to have a dedicated camera, but this device has replaced them for all but professional photographers and serious amateurs.

What is a smartphone (or similar)?


When everything was going swell and you had no cares, it was said you had it made in this outdoor condition.

What is the shade? Made in the shade


On April 17, 1961, the Bay of Pigs invasion took place in this country

What is Cuba? The invasion was a failed American-backed coup using Cuban exiles to overthrow the Castro regime.


Returning soldiers from World War II financed homes and attended college through 1956 as a result of this bill.

What is the G.I. Bill? Its official title was the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944. In 1966, the bill was extended to all veterans, including those who did not serve in a war.


Bonnie Tyler’s hit “Total Eclipse of the [missing word]” was one of the decade’s top hits

What is heart?


Indoor plumbing is nothing new for most of us, but some rural citizens are still using these facilities not attached to the house

What are outhouses? Outhouses are stll commonly used for camping and hiking and portable outhouses are used today for events, such as concerts or parades


Another way to say a car peeled out was that it burned this.

What is rubber? Drivers of muscle cars often showed their muscle by burning rubber.


On April 10, 1866, this national organization was established to address animal homelessness and cruelty.

What is the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)? It was modeled on the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Britain, which had been founded in 1824.


This Frankie had a string of hits in the 1950s and was best known for Rawhide’s theme song.

Who is Laine? His hits include “That’s My Desire,” “Mule Train,” and “Stars and Stripes Forever.”


This woman with wild hair recorded the hit tune “Girls Just Want to Have Fun.”

Who is Cyndi Lauper?


We used to go to the movies as often as once a week; today we use this technology to bring them to us via Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc

What is streaming?


When you had to tell your mother something bad, you might tell her not to flip this accessory

What is her wig? Flip your wig


On April 21, 1960, Brazil moved its capital to this city.

What is Brasilia? The capital was moved from Rio de Janeiro to this new, planned city. In Rio, government buildings were scattered across the congested city, which slowed the wheels of government.


This popular TV sitcom was set in two apartments at 328 Chauncey Street in the Bensonhurst area of Brooklyn, New York

What is The Honeymooners? This is the break that made Jackie Gleason a star. The show began life as a sketch on Cavalcade of Stars.


It is Lionel Richie’s salutation.

What is “Hello”?


Today we use strollers, but mid-century mothers walked their tots in these.

What are perambulators?


Today, we LOL, or laugh out loud; back when, we used to bust one of these.

What is gut? Bust a gut


On April 6, 1909, this admiral led an expedition that claimed to reach the North Pole.

Who is Robert Peary? It took him 23 years and several failed expeditions before reaching the North Pole. National Geographic reports, “[It] conducted extensive studies of the photographs Peary took, and concluded they were taken within 8 kilometers (5 miles) of the pole.”