High School vs. College
Note Taking
Time Management
Student Involvement

This stage of education typically has a more structured daily schedule, including assigned classes and fewer choices.

What is high school?


The 'S' in SMART goals stands for this characteristic, meaning the goal should be well-defined and clear.

What is Specific?


If someone likes to clearly organize details under main topics and subtopics, they may benefit most from using this note-taking method that utilizes indentation.

What is the Outline method?


This resource is something a college student has a lot of demands on and needs to learn how to use effectively.

What is Time?


If a student is unsure about what activities are happening on campus or has gaps in their schedule, they should use this app to stay informed and plan accordingly.

What is the CORQ app?


In college, unlike high school, students are expected to manage this aspect of their education independently, including keeping a calendar or some system to track appointments and assignments.

What is time management?


This letter of the SMART goal acronym has to do with answering questions such as ‘how much’ or ‘how many’?

What is Measurable? 


This note-taking strategy involves actively processing the material during lectures, such as asking questions, summarizing points in your own words, and identifying connections to previous knowledge.

What is active listening/ engagement?


This tool, which can be paper-based or electronic, helps to chart one’s appointments in a single location.

What is a Planner?


If you want to easily explore and connect with clubs, organizations, or ongoing events at Pace, this website is the go-to resource.

What is Setter Sync?


These educators typically have office hours instead of regular after-class availability, and they expect students to seek help proactively rather than providing frequent reminders.

What are professors?


This letter of the SMART goal acronym relates to when one hopes to complete their goal.

What is Timebound?


If someone needs a way to review lecture material and recall key terms later, they might benefit from a method that includes a structured space for recalls and summaries.

What is the Cornell method?


The time management matrix breaks tasks into quadrants based on urgency and this other word that begins with a vowel.

What is Importance?


At the beginning of the semester, students looking to find and join clubs had the opportunity to do so at this event, which showcased all available options.

What is a club fair or involvement fair?


In this educational stage, students are responsible for catching up on material if they miss a class, with no reminders or makeup work offered by instructors.

What is college?


If an individual is pursuing a goal that has nothing to do with their broader life aims and objectives, one would question whether or not the goal meets this criterion of SMART goals.

What is Relevant?


For those who learn best by seeing relationships between ideas, this note-taking method, which uses diagrams and charts to map out information, is likely the most effective.

What is the Flow method?


This common study technique involves consuming a lot of information in a short period of time, typically right before one’s exam or presentation.

What is Cramming


If a student wants to receive timely updates about upcoming events or activities from their favorite campus organizations, they should consider following this type of social media account.

What is a club's Instagram account?


In college, name an assessment type that constitutes a large part of your final grade, unlike high school, where grades may include daily assignments and participation.

What are midterms/ finals?


If an individual has as their goal to run a marathon in 20 minutes, which letter of the SMART goal acronym would this violate.

What is Achievable?


If a student wants to efficiently organize and retrieve notes for different courses or topics, especially when studying or during open-book assessments, they should consider this modern method.

What is digital note-taking?


These skills are necessary when working in groups wherein many different time management styles may be present.

What is self-advocacy/ communication/ planning? (or any similar terms)


When a student is experiencing stress or needs support for mental health concerns, they can turn to this campus resource for professional assistance.

What is the Counseling Center?