What is bias?
To prefer one side over another
Whats the impact of harmful language?
This can lead to emotional distress, low self-esteem, and mental health issues for those who are being targeted by the harmful language, and make a bad environment to live in.
Is this situation: a. Bias b. Microaggressions c. Harmful Language D. Stereotyping, or E. Insulting: Little Jimmy tells a person of color; Zach, that they speak English well for a native speaker
D. Stereotyping becuase they are implying that he is not a native speaker.
What is a microaggression?
Subtle actions of aggression that happen every day, or continously
Whats the impact of microaggressions?
It can make people feel like they don't belong or aren't valued. And overall hurts people's mental health.
Is this situation: a. Bias b. Microaggressions c. Harmful Language D. Stereotyping, or E. Insulting: An employer consistently promoting male employees over equally qualified female employees based on the assumption that men are more capable in leadership roles.
A. Bias
What are identity-based slurs?
Hurtful language is directed at a group of people based on their identity.
What's the impact of bias?
Bias can impact decision-making, relationships, and opportunities based on the side you are biased toward.
Is this situation: a. Bias b. Microaggressions c. Harmful Language D. Stereotyping, or E. Insulting:
A man was asked every day by the same person, "Where are you really from?"
B. Microaggresions
What is harmful language?
insults directed at a person
What is an example of the impact of identity-based slurs?
Using racist slurs can make people feel inferior and contribute to discrimination against certain racial groups.
Is this situation: a. Bias b. Microaggressions c. Harmful Language D. Stereotyping, or E. Insulting: A student was called "slow" by a classmate.
What is the difference between insulting and stereotyping others?
Insults are directed at people, and not based on identity, while stereotypes are directed at groups based on identities.
Whats an example of impact from microaggressions?
Microaggressions may cause feelings of alienation, low self-esteem, and emotional distress.
Is this situation: a. Bias b. Microaggressions c. Harmful Language D. Stereotyping, or E. Insulting: In a meeting, someone called a colleague's idea "stupid."
E. Insulting