How many balloons did Carl use to float the house away?
What was Ellie pretending to drive at the beginning of the movie?
She was pretending to drive an airplane.
What was Carl holding in the beginning of the movie? What color was it?
He was holding a blue balloon.
Why did Carl go into the old house?
He heard a girl's voice.
Where is paradise falls?
What color was the balloons that Carl had?
They were all kinds of colors!
Who is Ellie's favorite explorer?
Charles Muntz is Ellie's favorite explorer.
What did Ellie give Carl when he became a member of the club?
Why did Carl let go of his balloon in the house?
What is paradise falls?
It is a big waterfall.
What happened to the balloon after Ellie scared Carl?
The balloon flew upstairs.
Where does Ellie want to travel to?
What job did Carl have at the zoo?
He was a balloon seller.
What job did Ellie have at the zoo?
She was a zookeeper.
Where does Carl go after leaving his house?
He sits in front of the house.