Who is the protagonist and inventor of the time machine in "The Time Machine"?
Who is the Time Traveller?
The short story about two rival landowners who reconcile a decades old feud, only to be eaten by wolves
What is "The Interlopers"?
The antagonist in "Under the Lion's Paw"
Who is Jim Butler?
Atticus Finch is the defense attorney for which character accused of a crime he did not commit
Who is Tom Robinson?
The protagonist of "Under the Lion's Paw"
Who is Tim Haskins?
The Time Machine falls into this genre of literature.
What is science fiction?
The story about two 70-something year old men who must decide to stand up against racial injustice in their town
What is "Robert Louis Stevenson Banks aka Chimley"?
Antagonist in To Kill a Mockingbird
Who is Bob Ewell?
Innocent creature that becomes a symbol of purity and goodness in Lee's novel
What is a mockingbird?
The character who dies saving another man at the end of "Top Man"
Who is Martin Nace?
What terrifying creatures live underground and represent the darker side (and devolved working class) of humanity in The Time Machine?
Who are the morlocks?
Story about a young boy conquers his own internal conflict by completing a difficult underwater challenge
What is "Through the Tunnel"?
The antagonist in "The Interlopers"
Who are Georg and Ulrich?
Dill's official name
What is Charles Baker Harris?
In TKAM, he is the minister at First Purchase African M.E. Church and supports Atticus during the trial
Who is Reverend Sykes?
What term is used to describe a perfect world that is not so perfect after all?
What is a dystopia?
Story in which two clever women in disguise go head-to-head attempting to evade capture AND to help capture
What is "Miss Hinch"?
The antagonist in "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" (the story, not the film)
Who is Mrs. Mitty?
Major event takes place at the Radley place that becomes a turning point in the story
What is Bob Ewell's attack on the kids and his death
In TKAM, she is an elderly woman is initially critical of Atticus and his children but later becomes a symbol of courage
Who is Mrs. Dubose?
*100 Point Bonus if you can give her FULL name
In The Time Machine, what critical event does the Time Traveller witness in the future that shapes the destiny of humanity?
What is the death of the sun?
Story that highlights the corrupt practice of land speculation in the mid-west in the late 1800s
What is "Under the Lion's Paw"?
Antagonist in "Top Man"
Who is Osborn?
or What is K3?
Uncle Jack saying, "Let this cup pass from you, eh" is an example of this literary element
What is allusion?
*100 Bonus Points if you can tell what it is a reference to
What is the passage from childhood to adolescence
(or What is growing up?)