UPAC will consider funding expenses that aid an organization in _______
completing their primary purpose
How much money are organizations eligible for in equipment purchases per academic year?
Organizations are eligible for a contribution of up to ______ per academic year for media and/or broadcast media funding.
The deadline to submit for any Equipment or Media funding is _______
December 13th, 2024 - The last academic day of the semester (before finals week)
True/False: Inventory lists must be received by the UPAC office within 10 academic days after receiving equipment funding
False - UPAC will not consider new requests until an inventory list has been received in the UPAC office
True/False: UPAC will consider requests for wages related to the staffing or operation of an organization or University unit when it is essential for completing their primary purpose
False - UPAC does not consider requests for wages related to the staffing or operation of an organization or University unit.
UPAC requires that all equipment purchased must be secured in a University-approved storage space. What must be submitted to prove the storage space?
A letter from the department stating that you have assigned space with your request
For subscription-based services, UPAC can fund a maximum of ___ months of service
January 9th, 2003
True/False: UPAC cannot fund food expenses, even as equipment requests
False - Food can be funded as equipment requests and cannot be consumed
Prior to funds being released, a copy of a proof verifying that the ______ are properly included in their entirety must be provided to the UPAC office for review and approval
For media publications, a final version of each publication must be provided to UPAC. If the final material does not include the required information, UPAC may report the organization to ______.
The Office of Student Accountability and Conflict Response.
When funds are allocated for media publications, a disclaimer of the financial support UPAC provides will be included in an up to ___ second spot on air every day for at least ___ per day for the rest of the academic school year from the date of approval
30, once