POV /Perspective
POV pt. 2

what is this blue blob 



Name the three main types of irony 

verbal irony 

situational irony 

dramatic irony


Explain the difference between point of view and perspective

Point of view is WHO is telling the story 

Perspective is HOW they tell the story because of personal experiences / factors


And we scrounged.  Next to survival, scrounge was probably the most important word in our new vocabulary

1st person


How would you define symbolism in your own words?

when an author uses things like objects or colors to communicate a different idea than the literal meaning


Name 2 things setting is key to

setting the scene 

influencing characters 

shaping plot / events


What is the difference between irony and coincidence

With irony there is an expectation involved whereas with coincidence there is not 


Which point of view is least common?

Second person


What type of POV is a "how to book" or "choose your own adventure book" usually in

2nd person


The king of the country is wearing a purple sash in his picture. Why is his sash purple?

to represent his status as royalty


What type of nonlinear plot structure is this: 

The Night Circus contains a modern narrative interwoven with the dual narratives of two opposing magicians and their proteges that clearly begins some time ago

parallel plots


A marriage counselor filed for divorce

situational irony


An objective point of view describes what

Just facts


At the pizza place, Tony the baker was getting the pizzas ready for baking.  He flattened out the ball of dough, spread the tomato sauce, sprinkled the cheese. Tony's wife yelled from the other room and he responded "Okay I'll get my coat"

3rd objective


Which animal typically symbolisms wisdom and knowledge:







If we see a character who is bullying others.  What flashback might help us better understand their actions

experienced loss, was bullied themselves, feels insecure, etc. 


dramatic irony


What is the perspective of the author in this excerpt: 

I wonder who invented putting water into plastic bottles? Water bottles are disposable which means that they can be thrown away.  Landfills are overflowing with garbage because people are too lazy to fill a reusable cup with water.  Recycling has been set up, but many people do not recycle all of the water bottles that they use.  The earth is being polluted as a result of this.

negative/judgmental tone 

advocate for recycling 


She ran as fast as she could up the hill.  Although she was hot and exhausted, she kept telling herself that if she kept her pace, she could win the race.

3rd limited


What does a lightbulb typically symbolize

a. evil 

b. darkness 

c. idea or invention 

d. old age

c. idea or invention


True or false: parallel plots always have to intersect at the end 

false, though they often do 



verbal irony


Name at least 4 factors that influence perspective 

personality, lifestyle, cultural background, gender, age, personal experiences, spirituality, education


The Scarecrow found a tree full of nuts and filled Dorothy’s basket with them, so that she would not be hungry for a long time. She thought this was very kind and thoughtful of the Scarecrow, but she laughed heartily at the awkward way in which the poor creature picked up the nuts. His padded hands were so clumsy that he dropped almost as many as he put in the basket. But the Scarecrow did not mind how long it took him to fill the basket, for it enabled him to keep away from the fire, as he felt that a spark might get into his straw and burn him up

3rd person omniscient


A fox was walking along feeling desparate for food and drink. 

Suddenly, he smelled a beautiful aroma and saw grapes in the vines above him. 

he jumped up but couldn't reach them.  Then he backed up, took a running start and leaped again.  He continued to try again and again with no success 

Finally, exhausted from the efforts, the fox gave up.  "Oh well," he sneered, "no big loss. I could tell those grapes were sour anyway."

In this passage, the grapes symbolize ...

something that a person wants but cannot have