It's A Sport?
Female Protagonists
Tracing the Source
UPP Cast

Canonically played in the air, this muggle version has teams running on the ground with broomsticks between their legs.

What is Quidditch?


The Alderaan princess introduced in the very first Star Wars film who was related to the main protagonist.

Who is Princess Leia? (Also accept Leia Organa; Carrie Fisher; Luke's sister)


The potato originated in this region of South America.

What is the Andes Mountains? (Also accept Peru)


A measure of body fat based on height and weight.

What is BMI? (Also accept Body Mass Index)


This cast member is constantly on the road for work, sometimes traveling hours to destinations.

Who is Matt?


This gravity racing challenge began in 1933 when kids built makeshift cars to race down hills as fast as possible.

What is Soap Box Derby?


The fairy companion to Peter Pan

Who is Tinker Bell?

The term used by a journalist to explain why he or she may refuse to disclose the anonymous source of information.

What is Confidential? (Also accept Classified and  "Source protection")


The ability to change direction quickly and control the movement of the whole body.

What is Agility?

Cool-whip is avoided and not enjoyed by this cast member.

Who is Miles?


Not to be confused with the Paralympic version played in wheelchairs, this version involves the minimum number of wheels necessary to move across the court and shoot hoops.

What is Unicycle Basketball?


"Jinkies" is the catchphrase of this mystery solving bespectacled sleuth. 

Who is Velma? (Also accept Velma Dinkley)


This character gave the famous ironic phrase "Fish are friends, not food." in Disney's 2003 animated movie Finding Nemo.

Who is Bruce the shark?


An isometric core strength exercise that involves maintaining a position similar to a push-up, but with the body's weight focused on forearms, elbows, and tows.

What is a plank? (Also accept front hold, hover, or abdominal bridge according to Wikipedia)


This cast member got stuck on the side of the road for 4 hours when his car battery died while braking after accelerating too quickly down a steep hill on a country road.

Who is Orik?


Victory can come from one of these matches by either knockout, checkmate, or running out of time on the clock.

What is Chess Boxing?


In addition to being the sister of king of this fictional world from the Marvel cinematic universe, this character is the lead scientist responsible for experimenting with vibranium.

Who is Shuri? (Also accept Letita Wright)


In 1947, the world's first "computer bug" occurred when this insect was found to be causing physical issues with a computer's hardware.

What is a moth?

Famous fitness instructor from 1990s known as the 'King of Aerobics'

Who is Richard Simmons? (Also accept Milton Teagle Simmons)


Cast member who joined the Track & Field team in school for less than 1 week.

Who is Noodles?


Based entirely on logic, critical thinking, and problem solving skills, contestants solve unusual game prompts and tasks in a point based system race against other contestants and the clock in this Microsoft program E-sport.

What is Excel? (Also accept Excel E-sports)


This selfless Latina girl embarks on improving her community with assistance from her shoe wearing monkey friend.

Who is Dora the Explorer?

Double Points for full name: Doraline "Dora" Panfilia López Márquez 


This earliest form of writing was used in ancient Mesopotamia to record debts and financial transactions on clay tablets.

What is cuneiform? (Also accept Sumerian Script)


Per Wikipedia: "the practice of progressive resistance exercise to build, control, and develop one's muscles via hypertrophy."

Hypertrophy is basically enlarging cells to enlarge muscles.

What is body building?


World War II was the only subject in History class this cast member was ever interested in and paid attention to.

Who is Noodles?