Name the 5 muscles involved in movements of the shoulder girdle
Serratus Anterior
Pectoralis Major
Levator Scapulae
What muscles make up the rotator cuff?
Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis
What bones articulate with the humerus to form the elbow joint?
Ulna and Radius
What are the four main movements of the wrist joint?
Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction
Demonstrate pronation and supination
The origin of all 5 of the shoulder girdle muscles is on which part of the skeleton? The insertion of all 5 of the shoulder girdle muscles is on which two bones?
The origin for all 5 shoulder girdle muscles: on the axial skeleton
The insertion of all 5 shoulder girdle muscles: on the scapula or the clavicle
There are ten actions that the shoulder joint performs, what are they?
Abduction, adduction, flexion, extension, internal rotation, external rotation, horizontal abduction, horizontal adduction, diagonal abduction, diagonal adduction.
Which three muscles are the prime movers in elbow flexion?
Brachialis, Biceps, and Brachioradialis
What is the common movement of the anterior wrist muscles? Name the anterior wrist joint muscles.
Flexion. Flexor carpi radialis, Flexor carpi ulnaris, Palmaris Longus, Flexor Digitorum superficialis, Flexor digitorum profundus.
Caitlyn is walking toward you. You are looking at her from a (an)_______________view?
The levator scapula and rhomboids have which of the following motions in common?
What is another name for the shoulder joint and what two bones are involved in creating this joint?
Glenohumeral joint. The glenoid cavity of the scapula and the humerus.
The triceps are ___ are responsible for which elbow joint action?
What is the common movement of the posterior wrist muscles? Name the posterior wrist joint muscles.
Extension. Extensor carpi ulnaris, Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis, Extensor Carpi radialis Longus, Extensor digitorum
A patient reached her right hand over to her left shoulder to palpate the pain occurring on her left scapula. Which movement is occurring at her ELBOW joint?
If shoulder girdle retraction is the desired motion, which two muscles are agonists in the motion?
Trapezius and rhombiods
Which shoulder joint muscles are responsible for shoulder flexion? Demonstrate shoulder flexion before listing the muscles involved.
Anterior deltoid, Upper pectoralis major, Coracobrachialis
The anterior elbow joint muscles are responsible for?
Flexion and Pronation
What is the common movement of the wrist muscles that end in "ulnaris" and name those muscles
Adduction of the wrist. Flexor carpi ulnaris, Extensor carpi ulnaris.
Define the term "proximal" and use it to describe the relationship between the elbow and wrist.
Closer to the midline. The elbow is proximal to the wrist (the elbow is closer to the point of attachment).
A patient who needs scapular depressor strengthening would need attention to which muscles?
Pectoralis minor and lower trapezius
Which shoulder joint muscles are responsible for shoulder adduction? Demonstrate shoulder adduction before naming the muscles.
Latissimus Dorsi, Teres major, Lower Pectoralis Major
The posterior elbow joint muscles are responsible for?
Extension and supination
What is the common movement of the wrist muscles that end in "radialis" and name those muscles
Abduction of the wrist. Flexor carpi radialis, Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis, Extensor Carpi radialis Longus
When a patient lays on their back, what anatomical position are they in?