Conflict Resolution
Classroom Scenarios

You see a new student sitting alone at lunch. What do you do?

Invite them to sit with you and your friends.


You and your sibling both want to watch different TV shows at the same time. What can you do to solve this conflict?

Take turns or find a show you both enjoy. 


Your teacher asks you a question, but you don't ear everything s/he says. What do you do or say? 

Ask her politely to repeat the question. 


On the bus on the way to school, your friend realizes they didn't do the homework from last night. They ask to copy your homework. What do you do? 

Tell them sorry, but you don't feel comfortable doing that. Tell them to start working on it and get as much done as they can. 


Your friend tells you a secret and asks you not to tell anyone. How do you handle this situation?

Keep the secret unless it involves someone getting hurt. 


Two of your close friends are arguing and ask you to choose sides. What should you do?

Encourage them to talk it out and avoid taking sides.


The class is watching a video. You can't hear it because someone next to you is talking. What do you say or do? 

Politely ask them to be quiet. Move to a different location if needed. 


You go in the restroom and notice it is very messy. What do you say or do?

Tell an adult. Don't spend too much time in the bathroom trying to clean up...bathroom trips are quick! 

A friend is upset because they didn't get invited to a party, but you did. How can you support your friend?

Listen to them and remind them of how much they are valued.


You notice someone being teased because of their clothes. What should you do?

Stand up for them or tell a teacher/adult. 

You borrow a classmates favorite crayon they brought from home and you accidentally break it. What do you say or do?

Apologize. If possible, offer to replace it. 


For safety, all of the school doors are locked. You are standing inside the school near the door, and you see someone outside the door trying to get it. It looks like a parent you know. What do you say or do?

Do not let them in. Motion to the office door if needed. 


Your friend wants to play a game you really don't like. How can you handle this situation without hurting their feelings?

Suggest taking turns choosing games or finding a compromise. 


A friend uses a word you find offensive. How can you address this situation?

Let them know that the word is hurtful and ask them not to use it. 


Your mom writes a note to your teacher, but a classmate takes it from you. You ask him to give it back, but he refuses. What do you say or do?

Ask again nicely. If the classmate still doesn't give it back, go tell the teacher. 


The whole school gathers for an assembly. The auditorium becomes very noisy, and it is really bothering you. What do you say or do?

Ask your teacher if you can step out and take a break, or ask if you can use some headphones. 


You and your friend both want to be the leader in a group project. What should you do to solve this issue?

Discuss and agree on roles that make use of both of your strengths. 


You are assigned to be partners with a classmate that you don't get along with very well. How can you start working together effectively?

Introduce yourself if you don't know each other well and suggest dividing the tasks.


Your teacher asks you if you want to take a message to the office. You don't want to do it. What do you say or do?

Either ask if it's okay if someone else does it, or just go do it! 


4 Mindfulness strategies you can do to get back to the green zone. 

Deep breaths, take a break, take a walk, talk to an adult.