The bone that moves from the front of the neck all the way across to the shoulder
What ligament connects the Acromion and Clavicle
Acromioclavicular ligament
Distal, Middle, Proximal
Smallest muscle of the rorator cuff
Teres Minor
What joint connects the Acromion and Clavicle
Acromioclavicular joint
The bone that sits in the glenoid cavity
Head of the Humerus
Name all of the fingers
Pollex, Index, Middle, Ring, Little
Bone in the wrist you can only feel when the wrist is from the Anterior View
What two muscles connect to the Humerus
Bicep Brachii, Tricep Brachii
What is the Glenohumeral joint
The head of the humerus in the Glenoid Cavity
Bone that is connected to the Clavicle and where is it located?
Acromion, down across your back on top of the scapula
What is the Gleniod Labrum
Cartalige ring around the socket of the shoulder, to help deepen the should joint.
3 parts of the Metacarpals
Head, Shaft, Base
What is the purpose of the Subscapularis
Internally rotates the elbow
What joint includes the Sternum and Clavicle
Sternoclavicular joint
The bones connected to the Epicondyles of the Humerus
Ulna and Radius
Where is the Subacromial Bursa located
Below the Acromion Process
What 2 carpals connect to the Radius and Ulna
Lunate and the Capitate
What muscles covers the shoulder
What joint includes the Epicondyles of the humerus
Humerounlar joint
The bone that has all of the SITS muscles connected to it
What ligament does the Acromion and the Coracoid Process connect
Coracoacromial Ligament
Name all of the Carpals
Hamate, Triquetrum, Pisform, Lunate, Trapezoid, Trapezium, Capitate, Scaphoid
What does SITS represent
Subscapularis, Teres Minor, Infraspinatus, Supraspinatus
What bones are connected by the Scapulothoracic joint
Scapula, and the Ribs