Early European History
Medieval Times
1000 to 1600 AD
Colonial America

These tribes conquered the Western Roman Empire.

What are barbarian tribes?


The time period from 500 AD until 1500 AD.

What are the Middle Ages?


The person at the top of the hierarchy in the Catholic Church

Who is the Pope?


Name this Explorer

Who is Christopher Columbus?


The first colony established in America and where it was located

What was the Virginia Colony at Jamestown, Virginia?


Son of Erik the Red, founder of the first European settlement on what is now Greenland

Who was Leif Erikson “Leif the Lucky”?


These men pledged their allegiance to nobles - agreeing to fight the nobles’ enemies whenever called upon. They lived by a code of chivalry.

Who are knights?


A series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims started primarily to secure control of holy sites considered sacred by both groups

What are the Crusades?


An Italian merchant, explorer and writer who traveled through Asia between 1271 and 1295. He wrote a very popular book about his travels.

Who was Marco Polo?


The governor of Jamestown who said “He that will not work, shall not eat.”

Who was Captain John Smith?


The language of the Vikings

What was Norse?


A shield with symbols, animals and colors that represent a family, person or group of people.

What is a coat of arms?


This monk began to question the practices of the Catholic Church as he studied the Bible. He and other devout Christian leaders began what is now known as the Protestant Reformation.

Who is Martin Luther?


This explorer discovered the Strait of Magellan.

Who was Ferdinand Magellan?


This group of Indians are an Indigenous people who originally occupied most of what is now Rhode Island west of Narragansett Bay

Who are the Narragansett?


This was a collection of laws written and organized to rule the Byzantine empire more fairly and justly. They are the basis for justice systems today.

What is the Justinian code?


Handwritten books created by monks whose decorations have been painted in gold, silver, and rich colors that make the pages shimmer.

What are illuminated manuscripts?


The time period of a renewed interest in learning from the 14th to the 17th century in Europe between the Middle Ages and modern times. The name means "rebirth".

What is the Renaissance?


A network of trade routes between major cities and trading posts that went from China to Eastern Europe. There wasn't just one route, but many routes.

What is the Silk Road?


People in the New England colonies captured _______ for their blubber, fished, cut and sold lumber, built _____, and sold animal ______.

What are whales, ships, and furs?


His teachings became known as the religion of Islam. Its followers are called Muslims.

Who is Muhammad?


The basic government and society in Europe during the Middle Ages was based around this system. (100 bonus points if you can name the 4 groups in this society)

What is the Feudal System? (king, nobles, knights, peasants)


The name for a terrible disease that spread throughout Europe from 1347 to 1350. There was no cure for the disease and it was highly contagious.

What is the Black Death (bubonic plague)?


The Aztecs lived in _______, The Maya long ago, The Inca in ______ in South America below

What is Mexico and Peru?


The American Indians used THIS land, forests and waterways to maintain a traditional lifestyle. They liked trading with the Europeans, but did not want them to settle their lands in THIS area.

What is the Ohio River Valley?