Issues vocabulary
Surveillance vocabulary
Grammar revision
Random challenge
Unit 1 makes a comeback

Gang violence is more of an ur___ problem than a ru____ one.


urban; rural


If I could CSSCEA the personal data of my friends, I would.

Do you agree?



Make passive:

I hate it when people give me clothes as a present.

Is it true for you?

I hate it being given clothes as a present.


Correct the mistake:

I'm in favourite of banning people from eating food on public transport.

Do you agree?

I'm in favour


Lena's a ____________: she loves talking to everyone she meets.

Tessa will always tell you what she thinks, she's very ___________.

a people person; down-to-earth


Which type of problems do you think affect you less: pol______ or indu______?

political or industrial


The best form of MCRIE NIOVPENTER at home is to get a big dog. It will act as a real TREEDNRET to crime.

Do you agree?

crime prevention; deterrent


Make a question and answer it:

an / by / bitten / been / ever / you / have / animal?

Have you ever been bitten by an animal?


Name 5 verbs with the same noun form but a different stress

Well done!

to project, to record, to permit, to decrease, to appeal, to suspect, to present, to import


Make indirect:

What have you done that you are most proud of?

Would you mind telling ...?

Would you mind telling what you have done that you are most proud of?


Do politicians focus more on do_________ or gl______ issues before an election?

domestic; global


It wouldn't bother me if the UAHISRTOEIT were TRIMINOGON my phone calls.

Do you agree?

authorities; monitoring


Make a question and answer it:

you / do / your homework for today?

How long / take / you / do it?

Have you done your HW? How long did it take you to do it?


Correct the mistakes:

I'm agree to a certain extent that lowering the voting age is a great idea, but I'm still not convincing.

I agree ; convinced


The article is called "Top health questions you are too _______ to ask".

I was with my husband when we ran into his ex-wife, it was very __________.

embarrassed; awkward


Here's a typical eth_______ question. You see a colleague stealing money from your boss. What do you do?



All types of surveillance are just an NONSIIVA of CVARPIY.

Do you agree?

an invasion of privacy


Make it passive:

No one has ever robbed me.

Is it true for you?

I have never been robbed.


What do you think about banning homework?

Give 2 reasons/ examples why.

Never gonna happen :)


Make polite:

I'm calling to ask about a booking I made last week. (enquire)

I want to know whether I could move it to the week after. (wonder)

Can you tell me if that's going to cost more? (mind)

I'm calling to enquire about...

I was wondering whether...

Would you mind telling me if...


Name 3 natural disasters, social issues and health issues. 

Which ones are the most urgent in Belarus?

flood; volcanic eruption; earthquake; landslide; drought ...

homelessness; debt; domestic violence...

obesity; world hunger; drug abuse...


Name 5 types of surveillance :)

Which do you find the most useful?

CCTV cameras, number plate recognition, microchips, mobile phone tracking, facial recognition...


Make a question and answer it:

you / by / invited / a / like / to / celebrity / to / would / dinner / be?

Would you like to be invited to dinner by a celebrity?


Make 5 adjectives from 

disturb - ; ethics -; reason - ; responsibility - ; rage - 

disturbing; (un)ethical; reasonable; (ir)responsible; outrageous


The _____ for______ deal is only available on Monday evenings.

A __________ deposit is required when booking the holiday.

two-for-one; non-refundable