True or False
Upper Resp. System 101
Upper Resp. System
Lower Resp. System
Gumbo Pot
There are 300,000 cases of HAP annually, and it carries an associated mortality rate of 50%.
What is true?
The diaphragm separates the thorax from this
What is abdomen?
This assessment of lungs sounds by the nurse might indicate the patient with Influenza is developing pneumonia.
What is crackles in the lungs?
These are the tiny air sacs
What are alveoli?
A nursing intervention for a patient with activity intolerance secondary to pneumonia would be to increase ambulation by 200 feet every shift by encouraging ambulation q4h 9, 13 etc. for this reason.
What is ambulation will help keep lung secretions from remaining stagnant, thus decreasing bacterial growth in the lungs?
Getting chilled or wet is the cause of a cold.
What is false?
The respiratory system consists
What is lung, chest, conducting airways?
This is your body's most important air purification mechanism
What is the mucociliary blanket?
The nurse assists with incentive spirometer to promote this.
What is to promote alveolar ventilation?
Research has shown that prevention and proper treatment of pnuemonia could avert _____________ deaths every year.
What is one million?
The nurse assess rate, rhythm, depth, and effort of respiration to determine respiratory status.
What is true?
The upper airway includes
What is nose, pharynx, larynx?
This is a nosebleed
What is epistaxis?
A nursing intervention for a patient with activity intolerance secondary to pneumonia would be to increase ambulation by 200 feet every shift by encouraging ambulation q4h 9, 13 etc. for this reason.
What is ambulation will help keep lung secretions from remaining stagnant, thus decreasing bacterial growth in the lungs?
_________ and determination of hypoxia by pulse oximetry are considered the optimal methods for diagnosing pneumonia.
What is a chest x-ray?
As we age, there is a decrease ability to produce antibodies, which interferes with our ability to ward off disease
What is true
Lower respiratory system includes
What is trachea, bronchi, bronchioles?
The nurse assesses for increased restlessness, anxiety, and air hunger to detect this?
What is to o detect increasing hypoxemia?
Air-borne droplets from a cough or sneeze
What is the main mode of transmission for acquiring pneumonia?
The nurse assesses the patient’s understanding of need of deep breathing and controlled coughing exercise reeducate as necessary every hour to 2 hours (8, 10 etc.) for this reason.
What is deep breathing and than coughing makes the coughing more forceful and effective in expelling mucous and secretions out of the lungs?
Assess for increased restlessness, anxiety, and air hunger to detect increasing hypoxemia.
What is true?
Develops when the exit from the sinuses are narrowed or blocked by swelling
What is sinusitis?
Anitbiotics are not given for colds because of this reason?
What is they do not kill viruses?
The assesses the patient’s ability to cough effectively to promote this.
What is secretion removal?
The nurse encourages the patient (not on fluid restrictions) to drink 100mL of water every 2 hours )8, 10, etc.) because of this reason?
What is because adequate fluid intake enhances liquefaction of pulmonary secretions and facilitates expectoration of mucus?