Grammar 2
Vocabulary 2

Which type of verb requires a direct object to complete their meaning?

A transitive verb!

What is the word for "wretched, pitiful?" 



How many types of sentences are there and what are they?

There are 4 types of sentences. 

They are simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound-complex sentences. 


Define behemoth.

Something of tremendous power or size; a monstrous creature. 


Name WSA's honorary dogs.

Deucey, Peanut, and Boba!


What must always begin with a subordinating conjunction?

A dependent clause.


Use abdicate in a sentence correctly and appropriately. 

Answers may vary. 

Example: Will Ms. Taguba last the entire year at WSA or will she abdicate her position as an ELA teacher in the middle of the year?


Read the sentence below. Determine what type of sentence it is and explain why it is that. 

Ms. Taguba, the most daring teacher of them all, conquered the high ropes course. 

It is a simple sentence because it is only stating one complete thought with no use of a coordinating conjunction OR a subordinating conjunction. 


What is the word for "to hate; detest?"



True or False: Ms. Taguba made it up on the trampoline during the retreat.



Identify the type of verb being used in the sentence below and state if there is a subject complement or direct object.

The children appear to be tired after swimming in the lake. 

Appear is a linking verb. 

Subject complement


Define abase and abate. 

Abase: to humiliate, to degrade

Abate: to reduce, lessen


What is FANBOYS and what does it stand for?

FANBOYS are coordinating conjunctions and it stands for for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. 


Use abjure in a sentence correctly and appropriately.

Answers may vary. 

Example: She abjured her friendship with those girls after they backstabbed her.


Name all the students in WSA.

Lowers: Soren, Lucas, Sy, William, Jameson, Ivaan, and Luna

7: Annie, Giselle, Ozzy, Door, Pablo, and Jacob

8: Matthew, Myrah, Kyle, Grayson, Marcela, Jaina, Cassandra


What are the two types of clauses? How do they differ from each other?

Independent clause: Has a subject and a verb that expresses a complete thought. 

Dependent clause: Has a subject and a verb but DOES NOT express a complete thought; depends on an independent clause to form a complete sentence. 


Spell _____________. 



What is the formula for a compound-complex sentence?

2 or more independent clauses + 1 or more dependent clauses + coordinating conjunction + subordinating conjunction = compound sentence

Determine if the sentence below uses the vocabulary word correctly. 

If yes, define the word. If no, create a sentence using the word correctly. 

After her puppy passed, her life was bereft of any true joy. 

Yes, the word bereft is used correctly. Bereft means deprived of or lacking something. 


Who is Ms. Taguba's favorite class?



Name at least six of the most common linking verbs. 

Double the points if you name all 16!

*Hint: forms of the verb to be; senses 

The most common linking verbs are forms of the verb to be (am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been). 

Other common linking verbs: seem, become, appear, feel, look, sound, taste, smell.


What is the definition of banal? Create a sentence using it. 

dull, commonplace, ordinary

Answers may vary for the sentence. 

Example: Her outfit for the school dance was banal. 


Use the simple sentence below to create 1 compound sentence and 1 complex sentence. 

The 7th graders are hilarious. 

*Timer: 1 minute

Answers may vary. 


Compound sentence: The 7th graders are hilarious but they don't know when to stop talking over the teacher. 

Complex sentence: Even if they get on my nerves some days, the 7th graders are hilarious to be around. 


Use the five vocabulary words below to create a mini-skit with your whole group. Must use all the words correctly and appropriately to receive full points.  

ballad, bane, bard, abort, abduct

*Timer: 1 minute

Answers will vary. 


Name all the teachers in WSA CORRECTLY!

Amma, Jenny, Mr. Turtel, Ms. Huli, Ms. Koushi, Mr. Goldie, Ms. Hlavenka, Ms. Babali, Mr/Coach Justin, Ms. Taguba!