Advanced Skincare that combine cosmetic and pharmaceutical grade ingredients.
What are cosmeceuticals?
UR Hero Product that is Clinically Proven to help with weightloss, and BMI reduction in as little as 30 days.
What is BODY Hydraslim Plus?
$7.50 or FREE?
What are the Shipping Charges for US Customers?
How much does it cost to get Started? What is the monthly fee for our website? How much do you have to sell to run a Global Business?
Home Parties, Zoom, Facebook, In-person or Online Vendor Events, Personal Consultations.
What are different ways to share UR Products?
UR's patented group of ingredients proven to reduce both wrinkle depth and length.
What is Acti-Complexe?
UR Natural nootropic cordial that is Powered by 12 natural plant extracts to help boost focus & motivation, optimize cognitive performance, provide memory support and increase mental alertness.
What is MIND?
The US & EU have and agreement so that our USA customers NEVER have to do this.
What is pay sales tax?
$250 Personal Sales and $1000 Generation 1 Sales.
How do I achieve Lead Consultant Rank?
November 20th 2023 @ 8:30 P.M. Eastern.
When is our Lineage Hair-Care Class?
An advanced scientific system that UR uses to protect the integrity of our ingredients from external factors, and allows the ingredients to be absorbed into the dermis layers of the skin where collagen and elastin are.
What is Microencapsulation?
Clinically proven, pain free at home inch loss treatment that removes unwanted fat from targeted areas of the body.
What is Lipo Sculpting Fluid?
Share, Save & Shop for FREE!!
What is the UR VIP Referral Program?
4 FREE KITS in 120 Days!!!
What is Fast Start?
Skin-Sync, mineral based, made with botanical ingredients to enhance natural beauty.
What is our Look - Makeup Line?
A powerful serum that delivers pure vitamin C to the epidermis that can provide the appearance of an "instant face lift".
What is Vitality C Smoothing Base?
Probiotic & Prebiotic Fiber to restore good bacteria in the gut to help with digestion, signs and symptoms related to IBS & gut inflammation, and help the body fight infection while supporting the immune system.
What is UR Daily Tummy Tonic?
20% - 30%
What is the commission that an UR Consultant makes on their personal sales?
$20 Spending Credit on my own website.
What is Mid-Month UR Spend?
Designed for people who are seeking dense, healthier, and quicker-growing hair.
What is our Capill Hair Range?
A liquid supplement that provides better looking skin from the inside out by boosting collagen and hyaluronic levels that decline over time.
What is the Skin Tonic Collagen?
Boosts energy, relieves fatigue & tiredness and supports the immune system.
What is UR Daily FIZZ?
$150, $300, $450 & $600
What are the levels of sales for FREE Gifts with purchase?!?
$2000 in Personal Sales or Lead Consultant by December 31st 2023.
How do I earn Vanguard?
15% Savings
What are our Solution Sets?