Emergency Situations
Laws and Regulations

Has there ever been a PHI breach at PillPack by Amazon pharmacy?



If an emergency occurred at your facility, how would customers continue to be serviced?

We are able to transfer customers between facilities to fulfill their shipments or we can transfer their prescription to their preferred local pharmacy


Who is responsible for verifying new licenses?

Compliance Team


What clinical support tools are provided to the staff?

  1. Clinical Resource Folder

  2. Clinical practice guidelines

  3. Links to Clinical Pharmacology

  4. Senior Clinician is also available to answer questions


How is PillPack staff trained on URAC standards?

Hickory lessons, in-person training, and follow-up training if standards change.


Security breaches at PillPack by Amazon are prevented by

What are External security monitors the facilities 24/7, Areas with HIPAA are limited to only approved employees and 2-Factor authentication to log into secure networks


How does the organization continue business operations during a disaster?

Generators are available for power outages at our large sites, we can redirect shipments and shift tasks, as needed, to other facilities and we have a business continuity management (BCM) document that addresses disasters across all sites.


How does PillPack verify license upon hire?

Compliance team completes a primary source verification through the Board of Pharmacy


Specifically regarding cold chain products – how long can these packages stay within the cold temperature range?

Our cold chain packaging stays within temp range for 40 to 48 hours , these shipments are currently shipped overnight


How do you (or PillPack) provide oversight to ensure the company is compliant with applicable laws and regulations?

We review the policies and procedures (P&P) to confirm that we are accurately following the standard regulations. 

The Compliance team conducts internal audits and reviews all POPs for accuracy


How are staff at PillPack by Amazon trained on Confidentiality?

All employees complete HIPAA training and sign a NDA upon hire


How often is PillPacks business continuity plan (BCP) tested?

Tabletop tests are conducted annually


Are technicians required to be certified in  the Manchester facility?

No , only Technicians performing data entry and prescription acquisition need to be certified


How does your organization accommodate language differences

We use Language Scientific as a phone/verbal translation service and customers have the ability to select Spanish as a preferred language during sign up, allowing their labels to be translated


Since PillPack participates in multiple states, how are staff trained to resolve variations in processes that impact their job functions?

Resource documents, Flags/alerts in PharmacyOS, State-specific guides and we design our processes to be compliant with the strictest regulations


Risk assessments are conducted how often?

Quarterly by PillPack’s IT department


How does PillPack by Amazon service customers if the customers location is impacted where the company does not have a physical facility, e.g., California wildfires?

Shipment Success team monitors Quantum View for carrier alerts, anticipates any results of disasters and loss, and receives weather alerts from Amazon.


What is PillPacks policy if a staff member has a change in licensure, i.e., suspension, revoked, etc?

The agent must notify HR and their PIC immediately. Depending on the type of issue, they may be reassigned to other tasks


How often is your equipment updated?

We continuously work with the specific manufacturers and our developer teams to update our equipment.


How are staff trained on Conflict of Interest (COI)?

HIPAA training, Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) training, Amazon’s ethics training, which also discusses ethical dilemmas and all employees sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) upon hire.


How are staff trained on Conflict of Interest?

HIPAA training, Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) training, Amazon’s ethics training, which also discusses ethical dilemmas and all employees sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) upon hire.


If a customers shipment will be delayed due to a natural disaster , how is the customer notified?

Shipment Success team coordinates with customer care and fulfillment to either transfer the customer’s medications to another PillPack facility or transfer medications to customer’s preferred local pharmacy.


What is Phoenix's policy regarding technician licensing?

Technician trainee allows for all current and new technicians three years to become certified. After that, all technicians must be registered and certified. 


How often are equipment cleanings, calibration and random testing?

Fulfillment maintains daily and weekly logs of maintenance, cleaning, and calibration of all machinery used to dispense medications


What is the protocol if there is an immediate threat or danger to the customer?

We stay on the line with the customer and have someone else call 911