Both (hardest column)

What major development in the United States led to the relocation of most of the American population? 



What was the most major problem cities had that was more impactful than in rural areas in both 1920s and 2020s? 

Both urban and rural areas had to deal with diseases and public health issues like the influenza in 1920 and Covid in 2020


What was a big event in 2020 that caused people to move out of cities?



Why were cities so attractive to the American population (including some of the rural population)?

Because it offered lucrative job opportunities that allowed people to improve their social status and prestige. It also offered a diverse cultural center where people could experience different cultures.


What major population movement trend emerged in the 1920s but reversed in the 2020s?

More people moved into cities in the 1920s but in the 2020s people were moving out of cities


Why did public transportation decrease in the early 2020s?

Because of COVID, people realized they could work from home and did not use public transportation that much.


Why did rural areas dislike urbanization?

Rural areas dislike urbanization in the 1920s because they believed it threatened traditional American values with a more modern culture.  


How did the economy change in both the 1920s and the 2020s?

Both had rising costs: 1920s involved post World War I costs as well as rising living costs and inflation in the 1920s.


Rising house costs, increased taxes, and economic decline in urban areas led to what trend?

Urban Exodus (moving people into rural areas from urban areas)