Place Value & Relationships
Tenths, Hundredths & Thousandths
Comparing Decimals
Problem Solving
Anything Goes!
In the number 330, these are the values of the 3's.
What are 300 and 30?
This is the place that is two spots to the right of the decimal point.
What is the hundredths place?
Four students ran the 100 meter dash. Their times were: Molly - 14.56 Talisha - 14.89 Hadley - 15.02 Shondra - 14.67 This person was the fastest.
Who is Molly?
0.20 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.50 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.80 0.81 0.82 ? 0.84 This number is missing.
What is 0.83?
These are the values of the 3s in 3,345.
What are 3,000 and 300?
In the number 744, these are the values of the 4's.
What are 40 and 4?
Anna finished 0.75 of her homework. This is 0.75 as a fraction.
What is 75/100?
This number is greater out of: 5.424 and 5.343
What is 5.424?
0.14 0.15 0.16 0.24 ? 0.26 This number is represented by the question mark.
What is 0.36?
This is the value of the 7 in 6,573.
What is 70?
These are the values of the 7's in 2,777.
What are 700, 70, and 7?
This is 5 8/100 written as a decimal.
What is 5.08?
Liz ran the half mile in 7.03 minutes. Calvin ran the half mile in 7.049 minutes. Who is faster?
Who is Liz?
If five school busses arrive at East Elementary and each one is carrying 47 students, this expression (math problem) will represent how to find out how many total students are on the busses.
What is 47x5?
The average speed of a garden snail is 0.03 miles per hour. This is 0.03 written as a fraction
What is 3/100?
This is the relationship between the 9 representing 9,000 and the 9 representing 900 in the number 9,964.
What is the 9 representing 9,000 is 10 TIMES bigger than the 9 representing 900?
This is 4.926 written as a fraction (mixed number).
What is 4 926/1000?
This is a number between 0.33 and 0.34
What is 0.331, 0.332, 0.333, 0.334, 0.335, etc..?
Mishell arranged her coins in this pattern: 0.27 , 0.29 , 0.31 , 0.33 This is her pattern.
What is adding 0.02 or 2 cents each time?
The atomic weight of helium is 4.003. This is equal to 4.003 A) 4 3/1,000 B) 43/1,000 C)4 3/100 D) 4 3/10
What is A) 4 3/1,000?
In a given number, if the digits are the same, this is how many spaces apart the digits must be for one to be 1,000 TIMES as big as the other
What is 3?
This number is the largest out of: 0.021 , 0.845 , and 99/1,000.
What is 0.845?
This number is less than 28.43. 28.435 28.34 28.430 29.430
What is 28.34?
This is the missing number in the pattern: ? 0.33 0.35 0.37
What is 0.31?
About 4/5 of the students in a fifth-grade class voted for going to a play as their next field trip. This is equal to 4/5? A) 0.4 B) 4.5 C) 0.8 D) 1.8
What is 0.8?