Which of the following was an urban hearth?

A. Mesopotamia
B. Atlantic Seaboard
C. Western Europe
D. Northern Canada



The earliest urban areas on earth took the form of - 

A. Megacities
B. Metropolitan States
C. City States
D. City Shadows

City States


An urban area is best characterized by - 

A. farms and villages
B. city proper and its suburbs
C. central business district
D. residential and business centers

city proper and its suburbs


A well-developed infrastructure allows an urban area to have - 

A. more integrated communication, transportation, and educational systems
B. a higher voter turnout in elections
C. fewer homeless and indigent people
D. higher salary structure for people with college degrees

more integrated communication, transportation, and educational systems


? - Y
? - X

The term that best completes section Y is -

A. hamlet
B. polis
C. Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
D. Combined Statistical Area (CSA)

Combined Statistical Area (CSA)


One major pull factor that encourages people to move to cities is available jobs - 

A. in factories
B. on farms
C. in the military
D. on construction sites

in factories


Which of the following is the best generalization regarding cities?

A. Cottage industries are more likely located in cities
B. All cities locate vital services in a central location within the city
C. Services in cities are less effective than those in rural areas
D. Mass production is possible in cities with an adequate work force

Mass production is possible in cities with an adequate work force


-Sau Paulo-
*Located on the coast of Brazil
*Seventh largest metropolitan area
*Paulista Avenue, important financial center
*Headquarters for 63% of international companies in Brazil
*Producer of telecommunications, automobiles, and pharmaceuticals

It can be inferred that the city described above is an example of a -

A. port city
B. industrial city
C. government city
D. special service city

special service city


*Most dominant city in Latin America
*More than 20 million people in the CSA
*Oil and tourism largest industries

Which of these best completes the statements above -

A. Lima, Peru
B. Mexico City, Mexico
C. Buenos Aires, Argentina
D. Bogota, Columbia

Mexico City, Mexico


Which of these cities is correctly matched to its description?

A. Paris - cultural capital of Europe
B. London - manufacturing capital of Europe
C. Athens - most populous city in Europe
D. Rome - fourth largest city economy in the world

Paris - cultural capital of Europe


Part of the character of Mumbai is that it is - 

A. primate city of West Asia
B. financial center of East Asia
C. largest terrorist center per capita in Asia
D. home of Bollywood, South Asia's movie industry

home of Bollywood, South Asia's movie industry


Which of the following best explains why Portland, Oregon is an important regional city?

A. It contains the largest American cargo port on the Pacific Coast
B. It is a destination city and attracts tourists from all over the world
C. The climate conditions allow for year-round trading from an ice-free port
D. It provides amenities and has a diverse population base that is welcoming to midsize companies

It contains the largest American cargo port on the Pacific Coast


Texas Urban Core Map - 

Which of the following statements is best supported by the map?

A. There is greater ethnic diversity outside the Texas urban core than inside it
B. The greatest amount of economic development in Texas can be found along the corridor of US-9/I-69/I-37
C. The vast majority of people and businesses are located inside the Texas urban core
D. More oil and natural gas can be found inside the Texas urban core than outside of it

The vast majority of people and businesses are located inside the Texas urban core


Which of the following pairs is correct?

A. Houston - international city
B. Fort Worth - medical industry
C. Dallas - ethnically diverse
D. San Antonio - banking center

Houston - international city


Three-fourths of the people living in urban areas are in - 

A. North America
B. industrialized countries
C. Central Asia
D. developing countries

developing countries


The most significant negative aspect of megacities is - 

A. slumlike living conditions in which most recent migrants live
B. public policies that openly discriminate based on a family's income
C. forced sterilization of new residents who choose to migrate to overcrowded cities
D. the lawless nature of rival ethnic groups who mark their "turf"

slumlike living conditions in which most recent migrants live


What is the main motivation for people to move to a megacity?

A. more scholarships available for college-bound students who live in urban areas
B. greater opportunities for jobs and access to government services
C. better protection against bandits who rob and kill rural residents
D. lower death rate in cities than in rural areas that are more exposed to harsh climate conditions

greater opportunities for jobs and access to government services


The process of people moving from the countryside to cities is called - 

A. urbanization
B. ruralization
C. depopulation
D. dispersion



A city that is more than twice the size of any other city in its home country AND dominates the country economically and culturally is considered a - 

A. Father city
B. Megacity
C. Primate city
D. Capital city

Primate city


Which of the following will NOT help a city to grow?

A. proximity to natural resources
B. a well-developed transportation system
C. a lack of job opportunities
D. a strong cultural identity

a lack of job opportunities