Y/N - Was he the founder of the federal Head Start program?
True/False - The stress of the parents' job belongs to the ecosystem
True/False - Head Start was influenced by Bronfenbrenner
Name one decolonization approach
Incorporate land based learning, community involvement, supporting family and community strength
Y/N - Does Bronfenbrenner focus on nuclear families?
Where was Urie Bronfenbrenner born?
Which system lacks focus on oppression?
In his book, does Bronfenbrenner mention an approach that he preferred?
There is no approaches that he preferred and criticized both
Who is the child's first teacher?
Identify: The system is based on the Western and upper class norms
It is based on the middle class
What was his major from the University of Michigan?
Developmental Psychology
Which system affects Head Start funding?
Name one person that influenced Bronfenbrenner
Bandura, Vygotsky and his father
How do Indigenous cultures teach?
Storytelling and Observation
Why did Head Start fail some families?
Cultural mismatch