Nursing Interventions
Client Education

Signs of urinary retention.

What are suprapubic discomfort and palpation of the distended bladder? 


Nursing care of an indwelling catheter.

What is secure the catheter to the client's thigh, the bag should be below the client's bladder, close the clamp when transferring the client from bed to chair to prevent backflow into the bladder, obtain a specimen from the port on the catheter?


Assessment of a dialysis arteriovenous (AV) graft.

Auscultate the bruit and palpate the thrill to assess for blood flow. 


Patient teaching to prevent kidney stones.

What is increase fluid intake, avoid drinking tea, avoid high protein diet, eating low sodium foods? 


Bladder analgesic used to treat UTI's. The medication will turn urine orange. 

Phenazopyridine (Pyridium) 


Signs and symptoms for this inflammatory disease include; 

hematuria, proteinuria, electrolyte imbalances, renal insufficiency (increased creatinine and BUN), edema, hypertension 



Hypertension control, pain management, infection prevention, and constipation prevention. 

Nursing interventions for Polycystic Kidney disease 


Indications of kidney transplant rejection.

Increased BUN, creatinine, decreased urine output


Empty the bladder every 3-4 hours instead of waiting until the bladder is completely full. Avoid caffeinated beverages, take antibiotics until complete, avoid bubble baths, wear cotton underwear, wipe from front to back (female).

Client education for urinary tract infection


Type 2 Diabetic patients should hold this medication the day of and 3 days after contrast. 

What is metformin?


Expected findings for this disorder include;

hypertension, fluid overload, crackles, shortness of breath, muscle twitching, dry skin, scant to normal or excessive urine output. 

Acute Kidney Injury 


Indications for urinary catheterization.

Intractable pain, urinary retention, sterile specimen collection, hospice patient comfort, open perineal wound.

First intervention for a client who has not urinated in the last 8 hours.

What is bladder scan?


Care of a ursotomy.

What is change the pouch every 3-7 days, empty when 2/3 full, trim opening 1/8-1/16 wider than stoma? 


This antibiotic is nephrotoxic and has dose adjustments for the elderly. It also can cause Redman Syndrome. 

What is vancomycin?


Headache and restlessness are manifestations of this. It occurs during or after hemodialysis due to the rapid shift of fluids, pH, and osmolarity between fluid and blood that occurs during the dialysis treatment. This condition can lead to seizures and coma and should be reported to the provider.

Disequilibrium syndrome


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Diet modification for chronic kidney disease.

What is consume adequate calories to prevent wasting of body proteins, fluid restriction according to the degree of renal impairment, reduce foods high in potassium, because potassium levels can increase dangerously high with impaired kidney function, & decrease sodium intake, which can help decrease blood pressure.


Client education after urinary catheter is removed.

What is urinary retention is common (reinsertion is needed if no void after 6-8 hrs), urinary frequency is common for first 24 hours (longer than that may indicate UTI), there should not be blood in the urine (this indicates trauma with removal), fever is a sign of infection?


This category of analgesics can be hard on the kidneys. 

What are NSAIDS?


Signs and symptoms for this disorder include;

costovertebral angle pain, hematuria, dysuria, flank/abd. pain. 

Renal Calculi 


When the patient returns back to the unit, weigh the patient, monitor the access site for bleeding, and monitor vital signs to ensure they are stable. Administer medications that were held if not contraindicated, auscultate bruit, and palpate for thrill. 

Nursing Care for hemodialysis


Greatest risk factor for kidney cancer?

What is smoking?


Contact the provider if bleeding from the insertion site lasts longer than 30 minutes following treatment, for no thrill/bruit, or findings of infection. 

Client education for Hemodialysis


Medication used to alkalinize the urine 

Sodium bicarbonate used in the treatment of renal calculi formed from uric acid.