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The countercurrent multiplier system, what is required.

Water leaving loop must be removed from medulla: if water leaving the descending limb stayed in medulla then the "salty" environment would be diluted out. NaCl transported out of loop must remain in the medulla: the Na & Cl ions transported out the ascending limb must stay in the medulla making the medulla salty.


Aquaporin Distribution by the Nephron



Na+ Regulation: Renin-Angiotensin-Aldersterone System P2

angiotensin I is conv. to agniotensin II by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) at lungs. angioptensin II stimulates adrenal cortex, which releases aldosterone. Aldosterone upregulates Na+/K+ pumps in DCT,CD


Vasa Recta: Peritubular capillaries around  the loop of Henle. STUDY THE VASA RECTA IN THE DIAGRAM 


The role of Urea in Urine Concentration

Urea diffusing out the Collecting Duct and into medulla functions as a solute, helping maintain the salty environment. Urea Transports are expressed along the CD. Expression is regulated by Vasopressin (ADH)


What is gout?

Gout is a disorder due over production of Uric Acid, a diff. nitro. waste prod.Uric acid is not water soluble. this acid can appear in various joints but usually the big toe, and can cause inflammation and extreme pain.


concurrent exchange in vasa recta 

Descending: permeable to NaCl/urea. Limited permeability to H2O.       Ascending: permeable to NaCl. Permeable to H2O


Water Vol. Regulation: effects of ADH on Aquaporins

ADH: Anti-diuretic Hormone

ADH is secreted bny posterior pituitary in response to dehydration.It also stimulates expression of AQP2,3,4 at Collect Duct.


Kidney stones

commonly calcium oxalate can be calcium phosphate or even uric acid.


Concurrent Exchange

Descending blood flowing down the segment become saltier. Osmolality increases due to NaCl/urea uptake.Loss of H2O from blood by osmosis. In the ascending segment: H2O diffuses into vasa recta, which removes water from medulla. NaCl/Urea diffuses out to keep medulla salty.

Na+ Regulation by Kidneys: Ivolves the Juxtaglomerular Aparatus

Consist of macula densa & glanular cells. Region where afferent arteriole comes in contact w/ thich ascending limbs/DCT


water enters the ascending segment of the vasa recta by osmosis. what is the source of the water?


Na+ Regulation: Renin-Angiotensin-Aldersterone System P1

Low Na+ causes blood vol. decrease, which stimulate macula densa cells to release prostaglandis. this stimulates Granular cells to release renin into blood. Renin converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I