World War 1
Roaring '20s/1920s
Great Depression, FDR and The New Deal
World War 2
Cold War and Civil Rights

At the beginning of the war, the U.S. didn't join yet and stayed __________ or followed a policy of isolationism. (but they gave supplies and weapons to the Allies) 

What is neutral? 


The decade of the 1920s (or Roaring 20s) was also called this Age because of the popularity of the music. 

What is the Jazz Age?


This horrible financial event known as Black Tuesday took place on October 29, 1929, and would cause The Great Depression for years to come. 

What is the Stock Market Crash? 


This event caused the beginning of World War 2 in Europe, causing France and Great Britain to declare war on Germany. 

What is the invasion of Poland?  (Germany invaded the country of Poland on September 1, 1939)


Harry S. Truman was the president of the U.S. and this person was the leader of the Soviet Union

Who was Joseph Stalin?  


This country had a revolution in 1917 and became a communist country.  It then exited the war from the Allies' side. 

What is Russia? (It became the Soviet Union.)


This baseball player was at the top of his game hitting home runs for the NY Yankees and become world famous during the the 1920s. 

Who was Babe Ruth?


During the worst part of the Great Depression, the unemployment rate (the % of people looking for a job but can't find one) reached this percent level. 

What is 25%? (twenty-five percent unemployment rate)


The three main Axis Powers in World War 2 were these:   G....., I...., J.....

What are Germany, Italy, and Japan?  


The Cold War was the competition between these two countries, one a democratic country, and one a communist country. 

What are the United States and the Soviet Union?  


This was MANIA, which were reasons for WW1.  Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism, Imperialism and ...

What is Assassination?


During the 1920s, young women with short hair who dressed in shorter skirts and smoke and drank to show their independence were called this. 

What are Flappers?


Shantytowns or homeless camps were known as this, named after the president at the time, Herbert Hoover.  

What are Hoovervilles?


This event on December 7, 1941, caused the United States to enter World War 2 on the side of the Allies (France, Great Britain, Soviet Union).

What is Japan attacked the U.S. at Pearl Harbor?  (Pearl Harbor was a US naval base in Hawaii)


The 38th Parallel was the dividing line, or border between these two countries in Asia (and still is).  

What are North Korea and South Korea?


A country on the Central powers side was _______ and a country on the Allies side was ____________. 

What are (Austria-Hungary/Germany/Ottoman Empire) and (Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, U.S.)?

In 1927, Charles Lindbergh became the first pilot to do this. 

What is fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean? 


President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs created the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) that would protect this. 

What are peoples' bank accounts?  (money that people deposited into accounts in banks)


The secret program of the United States to develop an atomic bomb during World War 2 was known as this.  

What is The Manhattan Project? 


Gary Powers flew a U-2 Plane over the Soviet Union to do this.  And also this is what happened to him. 

What is spying over the Soviet Union/taking pictures and he was shot down and captured?


This person won the election of 1920 and promised a 'return to normalcy' following World War 1. 

Who is Warren G. Harding?


John Scopes, a teacher in Tennessee, was charged and went to court for teaching this science subject in high school that was against the law in that state.

What evolution? (the belief that humans evolved from animals - primates/apes)


The CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) was a New Deal program that gave these jobs to young men.

What is building parks/planting trees?  


With the decision of President Harry Truman, the United States did this to Japan to try to stop World War 2 (what 2 cities?).  

What is drop atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?  


The Truman Doctrine was an American plan to try to keep communism out of these two countries in Europe.  

What are Turkey and Greece?