US States and Capitals
Rivers & Lakes
Mountains and Ranges
Oh, Canada!

The capitals of Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico.

What are Phoenix, Carson City, and Santa Fe?


1. The ability to speak two languages

2. The process of converting old factories for use in new industries.

1. Bilingual

2. Retooling

Bonus:  What are the 2 official languages of Canada?

This river divides the United States in 'half.'
What is the Mississippi River?

This mountain range is the largest mountain range in North America.

What are the Rocky Mountains?

Bonus:  What state in the Rockies has the most peaks over 14,000 foot elevation?


The capital of Canada


Bonus:  What province is it located in?


These states' capitals are Montpelier, Denver, and Topeka

What are Vermont, Colorado, and Kansas?


Two questions!

1. A chain of closely-linked metropolitan areas (like in the Northeastern U.S.)

2. Outlying Communities around a city

1. Megalopolis

2. Suburbs


This lake is the only Great Lake that is entirely in the United States.

Lake Michigan

Bonus:  Name the 4 other Great Lakes


This mountain range, formed by volcanoes, runs from Northern California into British Columbia.

What are the Cascades?


1. Why are they called the Cascades?

2. What is the highest peak in the Cascades?

3. What is the only volcano in the lower 48 states to erupt in the last 50 years?



This Canadian territory is closest to Alaska.

What is the Yukon?


These states' capitals are...

1. Albany

2. Dover

3. Concord

What are...

1. New York

2. Delaware

3. New Hampshire


Large urban areas in the U.S. generally form near large amounts of this substance.

Water:  (Oceans, large lakes, & rivers)


1. Name 3 large urban areas on the U.S. West Coast Ocean.

2. Name the large Port City near the Mouth of the Mississippi River

3. Name 2 large urban areas on the Great Lakes

This river serves as a natural border between Mexico and the United States.
What is the Rio Grande?

This peak, found in Alaska, is the tallest in North America.

Mount McKinley


The largest bay in Canada (2nd largest in the world).

Hudson Bay


These states' Capitals are...

1. Cheyenne

2. Helena

3. Des Moines

4. Olympia

What are...

1. Wyoming

2. Montana

3. Iowa

4. Washington


1.  The nickname for parts of the northeastern and central U.S. that are characterized by declining industry, aging factories, and falling population.

2. The nickname for parts of the South and Southwest U.S. because of the Mild Climate there

3. The Region of the U.S known for raising corn, beans, beef, and pigs.

4. The region of the U.S. where you might find great fried shrimp and tasty Gumbo (if there is no hurricane coming).

1. The Rust Belt

2. The Sun Belt

3. Midwest

4. Gulf Coast


The source of a river or stream

What is head waters?

Name the 3 oceans that border Canada.

Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic


Most of Canada's population is within 100 miles of this.

What is the U.S. border?


These states capitals are...

1. Pierre         2. Frankfort           3. Salem

4. Springfield          5. Birmingham

What are...

1. South Dakota          2. Kentucky

3. Oregon                   4. Illinois

5. Alabama


Give 5 examples of large human migrations in the history of U.S. and Canada.

-People immigrating from Asia into North America across the Bering Land Bridge

-People coming from Europe to Colonize North America

-People coming from Asia to work in North America

-People being forcefully brought from Africa to America as slaves

-People moving from the East Coast and expanding West.

-People moving from rural areas into cities for job opportunities.

-People moving into the southern U.S. as Air Conditioning became widespread.

-People fleeing war from around the world (WW1, WW2, Southeast Asia, Middle East, etc.)

This river was followed by Lewis and Clark to help them get to the Pacific Ocean.
What is the Missouri River?
In the U.S., the line of high points that separates water that flows to the Pacific Ocean from water that flows to the Atlantic Ocean

The Continental Divide


Identify 5 shared features that make the U.S. and Canada a region:

-Both Colonized by Europeans (British and French) and majority white

-Both have Democratic Republican form of governments

-Both have mixed economies 

-Similar religious views (Christian:  U.S. is Majority Protestant/Non-Catholic followed by Catholic.  Canada has higher Catholic percentage followed by Protestants)

-Both share similar land features, climate, and borders.

-Economies are tied together

-Both English-speaking countries

-Similar Holidays and cultures

-Both have high standards of living